Chapter 125 He Likes Kissing Her

No matter how uncertain Evelyn was, she still followed Huston back to the company. The car stopped on the third floor underground. She unfastened her seatbelt and turned to look at the man beside her. She said, “Then, I’ll go up first.”

The man sat there without moving or speaking. He just unfastened his seat belt and looked at her with his dark eyes.

She couldn’t stand it as if he was torturing her. She swallowed and pointed out of the window, saying, “I’m leaving. You wait… Hmm!”

Before she could finish her words, a warm and broad palm

suddenly covered the back of her neck. Then a force pushed her forward, and her lips were kissed again and again by the other party.

He rarely kissed her before, probably because of what he had experienced when he was a child. But since he kissed her outside Hill Villa, the man no longer restrained his desire anymore. He liked to kiss her very much.

He always put his hand on the back of her neck. When he was affectionate, his thumb would slowly rub against her skin, making her unable to bear it.

She put her hands on his chest helplessly and asked worriedly, “Is my mouth

her mouth had swollen from their last kiss, she felt a

faintly and

down. “I’m going

to open the door, got out of the car, and closed the door. Her movements were smooth as if fierce beasts

the time

knowing his identity. Every time she saw him, there was a trace of timidity in

self-control when it came

he finished smoking a cigarette, he got out of the car and walked

left the car on time. He had to wait so long. It

smiled faintly. When he looked up at himself in the elevator mirror, he quickly stopped smiling and

although no one

pressure now. She used to

her desk and turned on the computer. Just as she was about to deal with the documents in her mailbox, Ada leaned over and asked, “Evelyn, shall we go to

she raised her eyebrows as if she was about to

some secrets.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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