Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 35 Please Pay The Medical Fee

Denny had the medical bath prepared soon. When the guards carried the bath barrel in, they caught sight of Harper quickly pulling out the needles from Matthew's body. His face turned from dark to ashy from the great amount of blood loss.

"Put him in." Wiping the sweat off her forehead, Harper pulled out a porcelain bottle from the pocket of her waist and rattled out three red pills. Without another word, she tilted Matthew's chin up and made him swallow them all.

There was a smell of blood from the pills that made Denny wrinkle his nose. "What are those?"

"Blood-generating Pills," Harper explained, discontented by the fact that she had to use them already. "His Highness already lost too much blood. It's too slow to make up for the lost blood by taking nourishing food, and this would be a quicker way. Alas! He has eaten as much as three pills at a time."

Looking at the pained look of Harper, Denny couldn't help but choke back a laughter. If any other woman was placed in her position, she'd surely do everything in her power to save Matthew. Harper, however, cared about her pills more than Matthew. Denny shook his head incredulously.

"Can I have one?" Denny asked cautiously. He could tell from the expression on Harper's face that the pills were very rare and hard to come by. Were these pills really that effective? He was curious.

Unexpectedly, Harper gave him a pill without hesitation. "It's used as a last resort in dealing with excessive amount of blood loss. I used a lot of herbs to make only ten of them." She shot Matthew a look. "His Highness just wasted three."

'Wasted?' Denny hid a smile, and couldn't help but admire the woman in front of him. Only she would think feeding these pills to Matthew would be a waste. If it were any other physician, it would've been their honor to serve the prince.

"What herbs do you need? You can ask His Highness to compensate for your loss once he wakes up," he suggested.

"Of course His Highness will. If I wasn't planning for this, I would've already left," Harper scoffed, looking at Matthew as if she was looking at a treasure chest. She obviously needed money to run her store. Money was hard to come by, so she wasn't going to throw this opportunity out of the window.

When Matthew finally woke up, the first thing he saw was a pair of shiny eyes. The surprise and delight that shone from them really confused him. Was she really that happy to see him wake up?

"Your Highness, you're awake!" Harper sighed in relief.

Matthew blinked, not at all used to her bubbly attitude. He simply replied with a nod of his head and kept silent.

"Your Highness, please don't tell your guard to bring me here like that again. The way he carried me on his shoulder made me throw up," Harper complained pouting her lips.

Matthew agreed easily.

spread over Harper's face. Without another prompt, she quickly handed over a piece of paper. "This is the bill for

his chair. The woman actually dared to ask Matthew for the medical fee. 'Do you even know who

well organized, listing the cost of each item, the amount of medical herbs it contained, and even the total price he owed

with dozens of precious herbs such as Ganoderma, ginseng and more?" Matthew asked seriously. Money was not a problem for him, but the raw materials

to make the Blood-generating Pills, and you've eaten three pills. These are the materials necessary to refill my stock. Though they are rare, I'm sure it's not difficult for you to acquire them," Harper said firmly. She already had enough food and clothes. The only thing she lacked was silver. She had only received a little from her

for a

them to her." Matthew didn't even bother to bargain before waving the servant away. Harper couldn't help but feel

000 taels of gold and the large bag of

want to be physicians; it's where the money is, ' Harper thought,

it at one look at Matthew's face. If

die." There was no expression on Matthew's face, as if God had sent a robot in the place of a person. His eyes were shut when Harper touched him, but he was conscious. He couldn't help but recall the feeling—it was different from when he

feel uncomfortable, there was something from the way Harper's hands wandered around his body that made him feel relaxed.

think of

she did was talk about money and the herbs. She was even afraid that you wouldn't pay up,"

to love money, which makes her a person that I can use," Matthew said slowly, but he didn't think Harper loved money. He had already sent someone to investigate her, and he'd had an idea on what she liked, what she hated, and who else she

denied it without any hesitation. From how she had behaved, he found it difficult

she dressed up as a man and met Hansen in the Spring Restaurant. I saw she

a gesture by drawing a straight line over his neck. If Harper was a spy for Charles, then they

didn't care for his daughter, and Harper felt the same way. She'd been subjected to many faithful "accidents" orchestrated by her own father. If there was one thing he was certain about, it was that the two weren't in the same

He remembered the way Harper did the autopsy. And she could find the murderer who killed the merchant from

Denny said. "Women are always known to be good at acting. Moreover, they also have the fair share of

ice. One wrong word, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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