Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 953 Congratulations! (Part Two)

When Matthew sneaked into the lord's mansion, Rolando took his leave initially. But when he was about to leave, he gave a meaningful look at Matthew. In Matthew's eyes, that look was full of provocation, but Matthew didn't care it anymore. What he wanted to know was whether his wife was really pregnant.

Under the candlelight, Harper was reading a medical book, looking for a way to detoxify her brother. It was completely an accident for her to make the Spiritual Poison. It was not easy to get rid of poison now. With her current physical condition, she couldn't get the blood of her heart; if she was not careful enough, it might cost her life.

"Are you still looking for a way to make the antidote?" Matthew said and hid himself in the shadow, so no one could see his expression. Harper didn't look up. She was just scanning the medical book quickly in her hand.

"Well, the Spiritual Poison can't be suppressed for a long time. The sooner I find the way to make the antidote, the better," Harper responded quickly. "Have you finished your business?"

"Almost done," Matthew said as he sat down next to Harper and held her wrist. Although he was not a physician, he could feel her pulse to check if she was pregnant.

When Harper finally looked at Matthew's hand that was holding her wrist, she then steered her attention to his face, saying with a smile, "It seems that you have already known it."

"When did it happen?" Matthew ask calmly, trying his best to suppress the fear in his heart.

"I don't know. I just found it out," Harper replied after a careful thought

of Harper. He

of the Heavenly Books. The Death Pool was just another

to the spot in astonishment, and the only thought in his mind was that Harper's body had recovered. He didn't need to

that he was just making fun of

the man who was in a daze, Harper smiled quietly and added,

Matthew leaned over and asked with a big

finger and answered, "It's a secret. I

Matthew's mind raced quickly. In Phoenix City, Harper didn't have much contact with many people. She said it was a secret. Therefore, he must be familiar with people related to the

is about Darren?"

eyelid twitched. 'Who says women's sixth sense is very accurate? Men's sixth sense is also very terribly accurate. I said nothing. But he already knew

Harper felt it was unbelievable. If she hadn't known Rolando was with her, she would have thought that her husband

related to man. Also, as you are in this mansion all the time, you can only meet a few men. There are only two men here; one is the city lord, Derrick, and the other is Darren. It seems that Darren woke up."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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