Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Forever In The Past And Forever In The Future By Neener Chapter 16

Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future by Neener Beener chapter 16

“Violet? Like the color of Kas’s eyes?” Ashley asks. Her voice is thick with skepticism.

“Yeah, Ashley, other than the flower, there are not a whole lot of definitions of violet, ” Lenora teases.

Reggie looks up from the book he’s referencing, ” Kas, what did you say your dad’s name was?“

“Andy. Why?“

Reggie nudges Bronx who leans over the book and reads aloud, ” Selene was so enamored with the way Endymion looked while he was sleeping in a cave on Mount Latmus that she asked Zeus to allow her to have a relationship with him. Oh, holy shit.“

“Mount Latmus? Like my last name?” I’m a bit confused.

“Kas, what if Andy is like some sort of shortened, modernized version of Endymion. Endy, Andy. What if the Moon Goddess turned him into a werewolf? Because that’s what she does right? What if she turned him into the first werewolf? ” Reggie starts theorizing. Lenora and Ashley stand behind him with wide-eyed disbelief.

I blink a couple of times as he throws out questions and until I burst out laughing. Like, a maniacal villain who lost their mind in the middle of the movie, laughing. I’m laughing so hard that I can’t catch my breath, my belly hurts, and tears are coming out of my eyes. Everyone is looking at me like maybe I lost my marbles.

“‘Come on, like, seriously. You can’t honestly believe that,” I reason with him in between laughs, “The chances all these things are coincidences is a whole lot more realistic than it all being connected in some sort of ancient greek conspiracy theory. The Moon Goddess, my actual mother? A painting of me as a baby in an ancient book of werewolf lore? My name in this book is MY name and not just a reference to the color purple or an ancient queen? My dad is an ancient Greek king who had fifty daughters with the Moon Goddess? The Moon Goddess turned him into the first werewolf? Guys. Come on. Let’s be serious for just a minute here. What are the chances?

Basically zero chance.”

when he sees

point,” Ashley nods. She takes me by the elbow out into the office, everyone

corner of the office while we eat. Hypothesizing the information we have

anyway, ” Lenora asks while she pulls extra cheese out of the bottom of the pizza

lady her

to figure out who I am before we can shift. We have to make sure it’s safe for both of us. You want to shift, don’t

I think. I’ve kind of lost count because we kept track of

“Lex, be serious.“


says she is over four

eating, mid – bite

than humans, but I have no idea how much longer. Everyone else asks their wolves how old they are. Saint is the oldest at eight hundred twenty-nine years old. Everyone else’s wolves are less

many human spirits have

attached through all of your lives. Forever in the past and forever in the future.

mean like, I’ve been reincarnated over and over for forty-six hundred

thousands of years old. She’s only seventeen years old. We

if I

turns to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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