Chapter 66

I kept striding forward, not minding the person running behind me.

“Hey, where are you going?”

Elijah began sprinting when I quickened my pace and he was in front of me in the blink of an eye.

I had forgotten I was too slow for a werewolf. Even if I ran forward with all my strength, he would catch me in the blink of an


I wiped the tears off my face while he stopped in front of me, blocking my way.

“I have been calling your name for the last five minutes and you are running away as if you saw a ghost”

He grumbled and then took a moment to catch his breath. I felt just a tad bit satisfied that I had made the Lycan King feel out of breath, if only for a second.

gamma of the

“Nothing. I just wanted to focus on traming. I muttered and stepped aside while continuing to walk forward. “Where are you even going?” He asked, and I turned around, my hands on my hips.

“Away from the stupid pack and the stupid King”

Elijah tried hard to keep a straight face, but I saw the hint of a smile creep up his lips.

“By walking towards the mansion? The very mansion the stupid King owns?” He asked, and I looked at him with a frown.

I had called his King stupid, yet he was teasing me. Had it been anybody else, Elijah would have hit the person and then asked questions.

“So, where am I supposed to go?” I asked haughtily, and Elijah’s smile widened a little.

“I understand you are a little frustrated, but please know that Elder Lina is just a little strict and seems rude on the outside, but she is sweet once you get to know her.”

I folded my hands upon my chest.

“I thought of meeting everyone and not sitting in that big mansion alone, staring at the walls while your precious King went Goddess knows where. But I don’t think your pack likes me.”

“Our pack…technically, you are one of us now…you are under the security of Callahan, just like the rest of us.”

Security, my foot. Yes, he had saved me from the rogue King and Sid, but then he had resorted to being sulky and angry with me.

“Relax, he will be returning in an hour or two”

My anger evaporated a little at the thought of seeing him again. He had left abruptly, and it had only been a few hours, but I was already missing him.

And I hated the fact that he did not miss me.

you know?” I asked Elijah as he fell in steps beside me

am his garma. Plus, we have mind links, you know.”

Of course, they could communicate with each other without having the need to be around physically. How would it feel to hear his voice in my head? To always check on him through

head at that thought. I had to focus on awakening my

the ability to mind link. Hell, I

we can stay in touch through that for now. I am


back towards the mansion, Elijah kept motivating me with his words and trying to ease

you introduce me to the rest of the pack before?I did not

asked, as Elijah stopped a bit to

saw, our pack feels a little hesitant to meet strangers because everybody just keeps attacking either them or Callahan. Mind you, the attacks are not always harmful but just petty people who


even try attacking the fiercest Lycan’s pack? Callahan would tear

deep in thoughts. It was as if he was debating if he

his mind.

that witch. It is slowly

look on Elijah’s face told me that

do you mean?” I asked

or pushed others away around as much as he does now. He used to be much more calm and

to hear this. I had always thought that Callahan grew up in riches, was spoiled

this information was news to me. Not that I

that Drusilla had mentioned earlier.

and even you had assumed that I was his anchor. But nobody

his tracks. I had walked a few steps ahead, so I turned around to look at him. “What is wrong?”

then slowly replied,

I inquired.

better get your ans from the King himself. None of us are authorised to speak about it.”

now I got it.

questions. But then how would I find out things if they always kept me in the

thought popped into my head.

the Lycan King was last night?”

must be either in his office or in some meeting. Why?” I furrowed my eyebrows at that.

any of them about where he was last night, or rather where both of us were.

to claim my entrance, but I thought he would tell them.


anchor thing and also who this rogue King was. If he found me through Harry/ Sid once, he

gate, some mechanical voice reached

and Elijah muttered,

carried the phone around, but I really had nobody to chat


have a message”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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