Chapter 140

I paced through the room, thinking about how to get out of the mansion. Callahan would freak out if he learned I tried running away again.

Plus I also thought he would come to check on me if I did not show up in a few hours. Yesterday night was rather….eventful.

If I suddenly vanished from my room after learning all about his past, he would think I shunned him or was second guessing my decision to be his anchor.

I had to act smart.

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to go meet him. Thus, I quickly dried my hair, put on casual clothes, simple jeans, and a cream colored top, and headed outside my room.

The day had already begun, and it was almost time for breakfast. I climbed down the stairs and looked around to spot him. But he was nowhere to be found.

My feet automatically turned to the dining area as I saw the servants and Martha starting to set up the table.

Martha was holding a stash of dishes in her hand, and I almost bumped into her.

“Watch your step,” she said, not in an unkindly voice.

“Sorry,” I replied, earning a smile from her.

“Just in time for breakfast. I was wondering if you are not feeling well lately.” She said, placing the dishes on the table.

“Why would you think so?” I asked, plucking an apple from the bowl of fruits.

“You just look pale and tired. There are bags under your eyes, see” She pointed to my face, but I shrugged it off.

“Nothing a long day of blissful sleep can’t fix”

After a bit of a chitchat, I asked the question I really wanted to.

“Where is the Lycan King?”

She had gone in the kitchen to get some more stuff, so she answered me while continuing her work.

“Oh, he has been holed up in his office since last night. Only left to shower and was back to work, I think.”

I blushed at the memories the mention of his office desk brought up. “Do we have any guests?”

“None that I know of.”

That was a relief. She was busy preparing the breakfast dish for Callahan that I saw she was setting up with great care.

up in my head.

will take the breakfast

that. “I thought you must be tired after the

I blinked.


Lycan King is no easy feat. You should be resting

Oh, that.

twirl in front of her, “Look at me. I am fine. Just add my small dish to the tray as well.

chuckled but did as I asked.

I was balancing the tray in my hands while carrying it up the stairs, careful to not accidentally trip, and

tray on just one hand, I knocked on the door once. But there was no

this time yet there was no answer. Getting slightly annoyed, I did not bother to knock but just pushed the door

a sight that shocked

bent down on the table, his messy hair falling all over and he was….snoring.

gently placed the tray on one of the side tables and

nobody around except him and the window was left slightly open, a

his hair fluttered, and I only stood by the side,

face resting on the back of his hand. My heart went out to

he properly rested? He was battling on a lot of fronts

push away the strands of hair that were tickling his cheek and could not help but run a hand through his

for my waist and curled

smiled and whispered, “Did I wake you

pulled me closer and I

I don’t mind being woken up if it

with his hair. His hand brushed my bare skin when his thumb skimmed over the waistband of my jeans and for a moment,

a question. I hesitated and when I did not immediately answer, he opened his eyes

of his eyes were shining brightly and in the warm morning sun, his eyes looked even pretty. Every inch of him was

maybe, you

you?” He asked, and I tried to hide the blush creeping up

turned around, too nervous to

only made him straighten his back and stretch

will go wash my face first, then we

the dishes on the small round table on the

wouldn’t have to

done, he returned from the washroom, wiping his face. with a towel.

but I have plenty

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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