Chapter 153


I blinked at him in confusion as he walked away, leaving me staring at him.

Callahan had been so adamant that I go to rest and sleep but now he suddenly wanted to go visit the morgue? Not just that, he also invited me to come over?

What was going on?

I scratched my head as I figured out where Callahan was going with this. Elijah had hurried out of the room to make the arrangements and Callahan walked out of the room to get ready, leaving me blinking.

He had given me a choice for the first time instead of forcing me to stop wanting to meddle in his affairs.

There was no doubt I was going to the morgue. If we got any additional clues about the murders, it would help us locate the Rogue King’s whereabouts.

Sid might take time to find more information given that he was not in direct touch with anyone. And the pub visit was another thing I was willing to do.

I hoped going to both the places would give me enough information to get my plan moving.

Thus, after taking a few breaths, I walked outside the office and bolted straight to my room. I was not going to back away now that I had the chance to possibly inspect a crime scene and proof closely.

Opening the door, I hurriedly opened the wardrobe and put on jeans, a white top, and a light hoodie should I have to hide my face anywhere.

I was not sure who all Sid was talking to and I did not want anybody to see me with Callahan and then report back to the Rogue King. I did not want to get kidnapped again when I was going to willingly step into his cave, disguised with Drusilla’s help.

In five minutes, I was sprinting downstairs, tying the shoelaces, and rushing outside the main door.

Callahan had changed into fresh clothes as well though he had a grim look on his face.

“Never saw someone so happy to visit the morgue” He quipped and Elijah snorted before walking towards the garage to get the car.

“I told you I wanted to be involved,” I said with more conviction than I felt.

Dead bodies are not something I was comfortable looking at. The idea of visiting a morgue itself was unsettling.

I had barely managed to stare at the photos when Sid showed it to me the first time. The only reason I had not puked when I saw them the second time was because the element of surprise was lost.

Yet, the photos did make me feel queasy. So seeing the bodies in person would be a lot more harrowing.

Callahan saw the nervousness on my face and asked, “Are you alright? You can go rest in your room if you are not feeling okay.”

However, I shook my head.

“I am coming and I feel fine.

“Suit yourself”

and got in the driver’s

other with your death stares, please.”

and started the engine. I gave him a look while Callahan did not even do that.

simply pulled out his phone and began scrolling

to Sid to tell him about the developments and also

I could not do that with Callahan sitting beside me. So, I simply looked

rang and he picked up

was because he did

to hear who he was talking to and

panic and feared she had called him to tell him about my not so glorious and foolproof

annoyingly low voice for me

or replied in one word- yes or no. I waited

and began

if he was just letting the anger

cabin of the car suffocating. Luckily, we reached our destination in record time as

car outside the entrance and stepped out to open the door for Callahan but he had already stepped

looked gloomy and forlorn. A single guard was seated outside and he straightened up upon seeing

his face

many visitors often so it is an honor to be graced by

gave him a curt nod as he walked past the guard who me and Elijah a bow too.

was a two storey building with a small

hastily led us inside after opening the locks to the front metal door. It was old and creaked horribly when he turned

was probably

creaking sound of the key turning

guard after he

the lock clicked

it” Callahan grunted and the

patted the guard who had a deer caught in the headlights look before

very less visitors for obvious reasons. We generally hand over the bodies to the families who wish to bid farewell to their loved ones as they choose. However, since this was a…


heart could not get enough of but Elijah was the

as Elijah kept informing me about how the place came

werewolves did not handle

Callahan had instructed them to set up a morgue just in case there was an unnatural

explained the worn out condition of the morgue. It was not decaying or rotting but the place was not on

walls and gloomy passages, a man hurriedly came rushing towards us.

build, patches of grey hair could

me that you wanted to talk to me so

his gaze travel from head to toe before looking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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