Of course, they would be staying in his childhood room. If that didn’t add another layer of guilt, nothing would. She wanted to come clean with him; she wanted to tell him everything. But how could she and still stay loyal to her brothers?

It was supposed to be so simple. A few days at Green Room Media, snooping for exclusive footage, chatting with some camera guys. In theory it all sounded like a perfect plot...but somehow the execution had gone astray and now she risked breaking her heart and hurting the one man who made her want to forget this entire vendetta.

“Quite the little prince,” she joked. “Though I imagine you stood on your balcony and had the best imagination as a child. I know I would.”

He smiled and started to cross to her. “And what would young Roslyn have imagined?”

Young Sophie would have loved this room. “She would have pretended to be a queen overlooking her land, protecting her castle and her family.”

Not so far removed from grown-up Sophie.

“Really?” He closed the gap between them and took her shoulders in his hands. “That little girl wouldn’t have dreamed of a knight coming to rescue her from the tower?”

“I’ve never needed to be rescued,” she countered. “I’m the one who would save the day. Always.”

was ultimately doing now? Sacrificing to

happen now that Darius was coming to Royal and Miranda wanted

hands of a gold-digging socialite who probably already had her sights set

protective of your family,” he stated, sliding his thumbs up along her neck and

had no idea the lengths she’d

and your sister must have a special bond,” she replied. His touch had her body tingling and

so my grandmother doubled the pressure on her to settle down and have children.” Nigel laughed.

his grin. “I can handle myself for a few days. Besides, I don’t mind playing your girlfriend. You’re not exactly an

nerves tighter in her belly. “I’ll take that as a compliment.

of how he thought of her. During their time on the jet, Sophie had pushed aside all of the outside problems facing them, all of the lies and deceit. She’d focused on them, on

now that they were here and she had to maintain the facade. Sophie only hoped she could get through these five days without

for dinner for a while,” Nigel said, backing Sophie toward the four-poster

lose track of time and miss dinner,

she thinks there’s a chance you’re going to help with the next generation of Townshends,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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