Genius Son Sells his Mom to Dad

Chapter 53 Trick in a Car

The breakfast process is not as awkward as Claire Bennett imagines.

It’s all because of Ling Howard’s existence. He sometimes jokes with Leo Howard and turns to Claire Bennett. His talent for humour keeps the maids laughing.

After breakfast, Ling Howard invites Claire Bennett to hang out with him.

Claire Bennett remembers what happened last night and is afraid of suspicious Howard Leo. So she refuses.

Leo Howard reads the magazine on the sofa. He looks at Claire Bennett’s every move. When he sees Claire Bennett rejecting Ling Howard, he feels a sense of satisfaction.

But Ling Howard pulls Claire Bennett out of the room and Claire Bennett has to follow Ling Howard out.

Leo Howard looks angrily at the doorway where they disappears and the magazine he is reading is brutally smashed to the ground.

Ling Howard is undoubtedly an interesting person. His humor always makes Claire Bennett laugh. She feels much more comfortable than staying at home.

It is not until noon that they return home.

Lin Howard sweats a lot. He goes in and takes a bath.

However, just as Ling Howard disappears, Leo Howard looks coldly at Claire Bennett and says in a low, fierce voice, “You know you’re wrong, slut?”

Claire Bennett hears Leo Howard scold her and says angrily, “You clearly saw that I was pulled out by him. And is it wrong for a sister-in-law to take his brother out to familiarize himself with the environment?”

Ling Howard sneers, “You’re like your mother. I hate innocent slut.” Leo Howard walks towards Claire Bennett. He looks down at her with disdain and indifference in his eyes.

Claire Bennett steps back and says, “I forbid you to talk about my mother. Are you a good person? You are not qualified to speak of others!” Claire Bennett opens her eyes. She looks straight into Leo Howard’s eyes without any sign of weakness.

says angrily, “you are a dirty and cheap slut. What qualifications do you

Leo Howard’s eyes. He’s going to teach Claire Bennett a lesson.

dripping hair with a towel, looks at Leo Howard and Claire Bennett, smiles and says, “Sister-in-law, don’t you take a bath and dress up? It’s the opening ceremony

Howard and Claire Bennett know that Ling Howard pretends to

bitten by Claire Bennett last night. He is

cold look and

Howard and Ling Howard suddenly fall into silence. Ling Howard frowns. “Why do you

takes a deep breath and sits on the sofa. He is silent for a long time before

towel on his shoulder and sways back to the room.


and Claire Bennett both seem happy. Because the opening ceremony in the afternoon can formally make them music

he thinks these are just children’s things. Leo Howard still feels uncomfortable. Suddenly he says, “I’ll take you

Howard who drives. He and Claire Bennett sit in the back.

in the co-driver’s seat. His eyes are always curious about everything

feels a cold in her leg


not expect Leo Howard to bully her on such occasions. She glares at Leo Howard and pulls his

But Leo Howard gives a grim smile. He approaches Claire Bennett and roughly bites her earlobe with his teeth. He says in a hoarse voice, “Slut, would you be excited on such

that she is breathing hard

stare at Leo Howard and whispers, “You’re a

Howard laughs indifferently and says like a devil, “Are you a lewd woman qualified to speak of me?” Leo Howard

“Stop, Leo Howard.” Claire Bennett’s waist is roughly rubbed by Leo Howard but she dares not shout at him at

he does not kiss Claire Bennett roughly. Leo Howard blows hot air in her ear and whispers, “Well, how’s

Leo Howard curses Claire Bennett in her ear. His hands wander unscrupulously under

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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