Claire is sent to the operating room for treatment. Bryce and Luke are waiting anxiously outside the operating room.

They stand on either side of the door of the operating room. During that time, Bryce keeps looking into the operating room. He seems to want to see Claire directly through the door.

Luke thinks Bryce is funny. He coughs and says, “I didn’t expect the heir of Bryce Family to be so infatuated!”

Bryce gives Luke a confused look. He remembers that he had been holding Claire anxiously to the doctor. Instead of discussing his identity, he says, “thank you for your help. If Leo and I continue to fight, Claire will be in danger.”

Luke says, “are you qualified to say thank you to me? I saved Claire, Leo’s wife. It’s Leo who should say thank you to me.”

Luke squints and smiles as he speaks.

He’s different from Leo. His smile seems pure and without irony.

Bryce is stunned. But he soon smiles with relief. He says, “you’re right. But as Claire’s brother, I should thank you.”

Bryce is not at all angry at Luke’s words. He is a gentleman.

Bryce and Luke have always been gentle. So after a simple conversation, although they don’t say it verbally, their impression of each other is better.

As Bryce is about to ask Luke something else, the door to the operating room finally opens.

says, “the baby and adult are safe. But the patient needs more rest. The patient is still in a

look at each other and breathe a sigh of relief. After all,

back to the ward. Bryce wants

you have to go back. If Leo misunderstands you again, it’s not good for you and Claire.” Luke says.

at Claire’s pale face and says, “who will take care of Claire?”

Luke chuckles, “I’ll take care of her.

while and thinks Luke is a reliable person, and he really shouldn’t stay. Claire is in a

comes to his mind when he leaves. He asks, “I’m actually curious which side are you on?”

Claire and am

Bryce nods thoughtfully. He looks back at Claire’s pale face and says, “I’m leaving. Call me if you have

With that, he leaves

Luke is at Claire’s bedside, waiting

nightmares. She can’t sleep well and frowns. She’s been

Luke cannot help but feel her forehead. When his hand is about to touch Claire’s skin, he remembers that she is his brother’s

and slowly takes his hand

suddenly opens her eyes the next second. She grasps his hand

just had an operation. The doctor says you shouldn’t be excited.” Luke lets Claire lie down and comforts her in a

in a sad mood. She is delirious. She keeps

Luke sympathizes with the haggard and poor Claire. He represses the impulse to hold her in his arms. He comforts her tenderly, “don't worry.

turns to Luke. She freezes and holds on to his sleeve. She looks at him anxiously and asks, “is that true? Is my baby

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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