Get A Baby After First Date

Chapter 4 Mrs.Ye's Invitation

A week later, at a mansion halfway up the mountain in C City, Mrs.Ye's party was held once a year, but the place where the party was held was always mysterious. Without the invitation released, it would not be announced. This was the first time that the party was held in C City. It was said that this well-known party was always for the highest enjoyment for women.

Nobody knew the details of the party except the one in charge. Each participant also signed a confidentiality agreement. This made the annual celebration get more unfathomable.

Women who think they're upper class are crazy. The women that Mrs.Ye invited were all carefully selected. They were all ladies of the upper class. It was a matter of dignity, which was also the reason why Anna and her mother were so excited when they saw the invitation.

Era didn't think there was anything worth being proud of as she received Mrs.Ye's invitation. Actually, she could guess that it would be a luxurious party. It was just an extreme party for the empty ladies.

She came here because there was a rebellious idea in her heart——

She didn't want to live alone in the world. She wanted someone to accompany her. But she had felt her father's ruthlessness from childhood, so she no longer had any illusions about men. So she wanted to have a baby, but she doesn't want a husband.

It was said that the party of Mrs.Ye always gather excellent men. She had to select some good genes for her future baby.

Even in the daytime, the light here was still charming.

As soon as Era entered the conference hall, she was shocked by the "beauty" in front of them.

The man was tall and slim, with the strong chest muscles, the inverted triangle seductive skeleton and the black four point swimming trunks, and the enchanting black feather mask.

the dress of all the waiters at the party, it was extremely

young half naked body, which was as solid as the statue of David, collided with the gorgeous and


to Era, and he looked very mysterious under the dim

proportioned, and he looked simple minded with developed

Every guest has the waiter's personal service." The man lowered his voice as low and magnetic

Era firmly shook her head and refused him, because she wanted to find the father of her future baby, she has to choose carefully.

easy to get rid of the waiter's attention. Era took up a cup of scarlet

When she entered the room, she noticed that some

Two people were in pairs, or three of them formed a group. This was the favorite game of the upper class. Some people were dressed up in luxury

Era didn't

only a few days younger than her, into his house openly. Since then, she began to

dress and she danced the opening dance with her partner. Others have joined them.

This time, she did not refuse. She turned around, shook her head and integrated into the unscrupulous

three songs... As a tacit understanding between Era and her dancing partner, she was somewhat satisfied with the man in front of her.

elegance from

in him. But the music was over.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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