Get Me Married

Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 25

Chapter 25: pick an option

“sir, do you know who might actually be behind this?” The inspector asked me and I shook my head slightly. I knew I had a lot of enemies but none ever dared come to my house, they stayed far and could attack me anywhere and anytime but not my house. It was surprising that someone had entered into my house and by passed all the security and left with her without a trace.

“Did she have any enemies?” He asked and I turned to Samantha. I knew they were both enemies but there was no way Sam would have done something like this, she was incapable of hurting her that way.

“Who is she, is she her enemy?” He asked when he followed my gaze. I shook my head again and he sighed.

“Would you mind if we ask her some questions?” He asked again and I waved my hands at them giving him the go ahead to do what ever he wanted.

He got up from the couch he sat and walked towards Samantha.

“Who might you be ma’am?” He asked and my head jerked at their direction. Pain soared in my heart when she stole a glance at me and looked away immediately. It was difficult to explain the situation, I could not even think of how I would introduce her as the woman I loved when I was already married to someone else.

“I am a friend” she said with bitterness, I felt and heard the pain in her voice as she called herself my friend.

“A friend to his wife or Mr Chase here?” He asked again.

“Mr Chase” she replied and wrapped her arms across her chest protectively.

“Did you have a conducive relationship with his wife?”

“No…uhmmmm” she stuttered and I couldn’t help but stare at her. Something was wrong, I could sense it.

“Why?” The inspector asked and moved closer to her like a predator about to devour his prey.

“Nothing we just don’t relate. So I give her space and she gives me my space too” she added and I breathed in relieved.

“When was the last time you saw her?” The questions were beginning to cross some boundaries that should be kept away from them.

“When she walked out of the master’s bedroom” she replied.


“I don’t think your question here will help save her would it now?” I interrupted him before he could ask more questions.

“We need to be sure someone from your household didn’t do this sir” he replied and I groaned.

“No… no one would dare, just go look for her” I explained and ended the question section as quickly as possible.

He bowed his head and turned to the door without saying another word while a security guard ran to me immediately.

“Lots of reporters are outside asking for some information” he explained and I groaned loudly. The headache I was feeling already increased by a thousand and I placed my hands on my head as a way to ward of the nagging pain.

“Are you alright sweet?” Samantha came closer and sat beside me. But how could I be fine when so many things were going wrong at the same time.

“Go talk to the press. Tell them anything and everything that happened last night but do not tell them that she isn’t here” I said and she stiffened at where she sat.

“You want me to shield her” she said sadly. I could tell she didn’t want to shield her, to defend her as my wife was hurtful but I didn’t want to face the press. Without saying a word, she walked away and went outside while I went back upstairs to get myself some painkillers.

I went out grudgingly and everywhere stung of blood and dry blood, it turned my stomach and I almost threw up but I didn’t want to do that in front of so many people. Outside was messy and it was still being cleaned up while the cops looked around, searching for something that might be useful to them in their search for Genesis, it made me grin inwardly knowing my plans were working

It took a long time to get to the gate, knowing it was further away from the house but when I actually got there, reporters started taking pictures of me like they always did. I smiled a faint smile and hated what I was about to do.

“Who are you please?”

“What’s your relationship

“Can you tell us what happened here

there any

didn’t even know where

is she affected by all this?” Someone suddenly asked and my chest tightened in my stomach. I wanted to grin and smile at the press for that question because I was extremely happy but I couldn’t do that because that would make me the enemy and the press might read some thing else to

“She is fine, they are fine. It just happens and no one expected it. But everyone is safe and sound” I

so bye” I waved them

the way, she was far gone and I knew that her kidnap was just the beginning of the end to her marriage

mom called

knowing she wasn’t going to stop calling till

are okay” she said and exhaled the moment I

happened? Are you hurt? Who would have done

idea who would have done this”

really badly” she added and my chest tightened at the mention of her name. I felt really guilty and wished that I had been with them in that room, maybe nothing would have happened but I left and she

okay” she suddenly asked, she sensed my demeanor and how

thought of ways of telling her that her daughter in law had been kidnapped by unknown men who still had not called for

growled urging

taken” I simply said and the line went

she was understanding me very clearly with

we still have no idea how it happened or where she is” I said and ran

went quiet and so


anything happens to her”

cops? Do you

find her, don’t worry mom” I said in a way just to reassure

isn’t exposed to all this. She is too fragile for all, God what have

“Are you sure it wasn’t your plan to get rid of her?” She asked and I


to get rid of her like this?” I snapped at her and she went

“I’m sorry..I didn’t mean to, I

am also worried too, I will find her”

do what you have to do” she said and hung

I groaned, she was literally a pain in my ass, my life was perfectly fine before she walked into my life. She was like a walking disaster, ruining my inner peace and solace. But again, she was kidnapped because she was my wife. If I was married to Sam, then it would have been her, no matter how selfish it might seem, I

“Are you okay?” Sam voiced out from the door and walked into the room. When she came closer, I placed

have been you” I simply said

I added. She gave me a little smile

she never comes back?” She suddenly asked and

growled and she stared at me wide

thought you didn’t want her,

still my legal wife and belongs to me, whoever touches her has touched me Sam and that’s why I will rip whoever did this apart when I get them” I said without realizing the words I was uttering. She got up from my

to my hearing and it was my turn to gape


the way it sounded in my

if you haven’t noticed this is affecting my

just about your name then?” She asked to

name” I lied knowing it wasn’t about the name. When I said that, I

at the chaos she was causing


was bound to something and my wrist and ankles were burning with pain. I opened my eyes but saw nothing but blackness all over me. My eyes were

asked and tried freeing my hands but they didn’t budge. I was infact hurting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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