Get Me Married

Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 27

CHAPTER 27: Safe

He immediately moved from ontop of me and I slowly got up from where I laid on the floor while my eyes remained fixed on him. He glared at me openly and I felt like shooting him right there and then for all he made me go through. But that would have been me commiting murder and no matter what, I wasn’t sure I could cross that line.

“You think you can escape bitch” he growled.

“I am coming after you once you leave, my men will come after you too” he spat and then he laughed.

“You can’t even save your marriage no more. Those documents had already been sent to your husband and I am sure he would have signed it because of the letter that was accompanied with it” he added and my heart dropped.

“There is no escape for you miss” he growled louder and anger soared through me. I stared at him for a while and the thoughts that came into my mind were whispering more loudly.

“You won’t be able to come after me” I said and smirked at him before pointing the gun at his legs. His eyes widened and he shook his head vigorously but I pulled the trigger anyway. I didn’t miss, which was surprising, he yelled in pain and I immediately ran towards the cabin.

I closed the door and barred it with a stick, just Incase tbe others inside woke up then I walked over to him again while he screeched in pain. I shot his other leg, just in case and took to my heels while his screams filled the entire forest.

I ran and ran like I had never ran in my life, my body fought against each movement I made but I was too adamant to stop, I had to escape and fully escape them. The bushes tore my skin and I jumped over a lot of trees, every where looked alike and I had no fucking idea where I was running to but I just running and pushing myself. My throat was dry and I was weak, but I didn’t stop, I didn’t want to think of what they would do to me if they caught me again.

I single handedly gave the parcel to Jordan. He looked pretty busy, though he did nothing rather than think and become grumpy and keep calling the police.

“You really need to check what’s on the parcel sweetheart” I said to him for the fourth time and he glared at me coldly

“If it’s that important to you, why don’t you have a look at it yourself” he snapped at me and I moved away. I knew what he was like whenever he was in such a mood so I protected myself and shut up while I thought of ways to make him open the parcel.

The faster he saw what was in there, the faster he would sign the paper and the faster they would get divorced.

“It’s your parcel, I can’t have a look at it” I said lowly and he groaned angrily.

“I am just saying…it might be something from the kidnappers, it might be a lead… anything” I said and his eyes snapped at me in realization. He immediately grabbed the parcel and tore it open.

I turned to the door with a victorious smile on my face, that was exactly what I wanted him to do. To just go through the paper and since that was done, I felt I needed to call my men to see how progressive they were with Genesis.

I went back to the master’s bedroom and called the head of the squad. Usually he would pick even before the phone would ring for a second time but this time, he didn’t. It was weird and I thought of calling again but no one picked up. At first, I got worried but I remembered what he had said. It was his idea to sleep with her and he had said he would do that after the documents were sent to me. At that moment, another smile spread to my cheeks and I dropped my phone, not wanting to disturb him while he had his fun.


surprised to see me writing to you, I wish everything would have gone better but they didn’t. I am sorry too if you got worried about me, I just got tired

seeing the right thing. I didn’t understand what was happening, I shook my head and picked up the papers, I

life of the staffs she was so fond of in jeopardy

The house shook at the sound

Sam asked walking closer to me and I waved my hands in the air halting her. At

to her the letter that came with the divorce paper. While Sam joined

is impossible” Margaret exclaimed and her eyes started watering

snake. She could have just asked you for a divorce rather than kill so many people and putting the lives of others in danger” Sam exclaimed without a trace of

is no way she would have done that”

the papers Margaret, you don’t know her, you can’t vouch for a

for her too because her goodness and kindness was not locked

have been pretending dear Margaret, you can’t trust no one this days”

wasn’t Samantha, we all know the only pretender and liar

don’t think

do any of this. You might not know your wife sir but we all do and this isn’t the madam doings” she

and the letter and

that paper, how can

the fight already, she said nothing and I didn’t blame

“Anna can tell if it’s her writing or signature. They did have a really close time together” Margaret spoke up and turned to the door immediately without waiting for

all along waiting for a time she would step in. The paper

She sighed in discouraged and looked at

writing isn’t hers” Anna said and

“That’s bullshit. You might not t even know what you

in her room” Anna put in and I found myself getting up from my chair. Anna got the signal and started walking to the door while Margaret followed. I walked behind them as we all walked to

to be free from her so we can get married” Sam whispered and

that, I loose everything and even if I don’t loose anything, I need to find out the truth, I need

worried sick about her for too long and everything in me spoke against

immediately searched her wardrobe for the books. She brought about three different notebooks and placed thern on the bed, opening each of them and then giving me the letter. I went through the letter and each and every book, the writing in the letter was not close to being hers even. She had an amazing writing. I looked at Margaret and Anna after going through it and they gave me


If she wasn’t the one, then who would have done this? Where could she be? And why

literally going out of breath, my head was beginning to spine and my body grew weaker and weaker as I ran. I wanted to stop, my body screamed at me to stop but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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