Get Me Married

Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 55

Chapter 55: cover-up


“Jordan…” I called out to him and he snapped his attention to me almost immediately.

“Is something wrong?” I asked sensing the fear in him as I had never before. He wasn’t the kind of man to get frightened, neither had he done anything that would warrant him to get scared except it was something I didn’t know.

“No….” He replied and forced a smile. I stared at him, his smile didn’t convince me and my uncertainty rose. I couldn’t help but ask myself if he was as innocent as he claimed, especially when it concerned my case. I knew Samantha was part of it and had caused all that happened to me. But how sure was I that Jordan wasn’t a part of all this too?

I sighed heavily at that thought, here we were again going back and forth concerning something that should have been done, closed, and over a long time ago. I turned to the door and back to Jordan.

“Well…let’s go” I turned to the door and went downstairs to meet the inspector with Jordan following closely behind me without saying a word. I thought so much about what the inspector would have to say to me again, he has been visiting and I have been calling and they still found no lead that would pin Samantha. I wondered if they finally found something, and though it was dangerous to hope, I did hope that they were here to finally take her away and let me have my peace in my marital home.

I walked over to the sitting room where I was sure they would be and surprisingly, I met Samantha who seemed to be keeping them company. I raised my brows at them the moment I walked in.

“Mrs. Chase…” The inspector called out to me and stood up from where he had been sitting and so did the cop who followed him.

“Hello…” I welcomed them with a smile and stretched my hands for a handshake which they quickly obliged me.

“I am so sorry for keeping you waiting” I apologized just in time when Jordan walked in.

“It’s nothing, moreover we had a splendid time speaking with miss Samantha here” he responded and I quickly turned to Samantha. I gave her a death glare which she reciprocated and we managed to do so without letting anyone notice that we were out to kill each other.

“You must be lucky to have such a friend in this house, she is a good person and she is a lot, so you don’t have to apologize because I got to meet her” the inspector praised annoyingly.

“Indeed…” I said and forced a smile.

“I am very lucky, ain’t I?” I said between gritted teeth and turned to Jordan. He looked away from me guiltily but I didn’t fail to see that he was tense.

“Please have your seats?” He turned to the inspector. They had their seat and so did I, Jordan, and even Samantha. I wished I could pull her by her hair or wear her the cuffs myself before she

would be taken away from my house but I couldn’t do that, not in front of guests. I had to be the perfect wife after all.

“What brings you by?” I went straight to the point, wishing they would give me the news that my heart ached to hear.

“Well, to inform you that the investigation is still going on” he started.

“And I hope you brought me good news?”I entered and watched as he frowned. My heart dropped at that and I quickly turned to Samantha, she had a wide smile on her face.

that we still

you came to my house to tell

“Not only that

“Then what is your intention for visiting?” I said, holding my anger as hard as

“This is coming from

snapped hauing the way Samantha

let go of the case. We already killed the head of the gang, there is nothing to…” 1 let out a loud laugh, a very loud and hollow laugh,

me weirdly, yet I didn’t stop. I didn’t stop because they had no fucking idea who they were dealing with. I wasn’t the

I turned to Jordan, he still looked tense but he stared at me with concern.

“Let’s see….”

kidnapped and move on with my life because you are too incompetent to

a waste of

been bribed” I stated and watched as his eyes

“Ma’am…I am a….”

“Oh…shut up” I snapped again and got up to

have been saying that Samantha has been the

against her” the inspector said

bribed” I added raising


“Shut the fuck up and get out” I yelled at him while pointing my finger to the door. I didn’t want to

he had more to

from behind me and felt him take my hand in his.

I said between gritted teeth while glaring at the cops. The inspector sighed heavily and

said and turned to the

him up. How could an inspector, one to uphold the law and find me justice tell me to give up and move

way…” I heard Samantha’s annoying

“Tsk….isk….tsk” she added and stood in front of me that I was trapped between her

from behind me and I heard the warning in his tone or maybe I didn’t. I just knew that I was so angry,


a good behavior especially from the said wife of the great Jordan Chase. I think the inspector should have asked you



finish that statement of hers, neither did Jordan wait because he had called out her

on her cheeks from the slap I gave her and

her hands in the air to reciprocate the slap I had given her. I was going to hold her hand mid-air and pull on her hair

growled at her and came out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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