Get Me Married

Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 61

Chapter 61: Apologies


My heart skipped at the words that came out from Jordan but what was more shocking was the way he glared at his father and his father, back at him. I never realized that they both never had a good father and son relationship.

“Get your hands off me, you dimwit” Liam, his father pulled his hands away from Jordan’s grip and turned his attention to me. My heart skipped at the intensity of his gaze, and I had to turn away again and lower my gaze.

“Don’t say anything to her and just leave” I heard Jordan speak up and immediately lifted my gaze. He was staring at his father with so much anger, it was evident that the slap his father gave to me was not the only reason. Not like he had ever cared that much for me anyway. Mr. Liam turned to his son and just like before, they glared at each other once more.

“The both of you should stop this now” Mom Leona yelled from where she stood beside me

“Tell your husband to leave, I never asked him to come with me anyway” Jordan replied harshly, without taking his eyes off his father.

“Jordan, calm down” mom Leona said and moved forward, then she stood between her son and husband.

“Liam…” She called out to her husband, so calmly and lovingly. I kind of felt sympathy for her, living with such a husband and son could kill a woman.

“Come on, calm down,” she said and placed her hands on his arm.

“Let’s leave the couple to sort out their differences” she added but Mr. Liam didn’t move. He was still glaring at his son and for a second there I wanted to pull Jordan’s gaze away from his, but I didn’t dare.

“They will have this sorted out, Genesis is a reasonable person and everything would be cleared out immediately” she added. Mr. Liam scoffed immediately at that and turned away from his son. He turned to his wife, he was still with the angry look on his face.

“You call her reasonable, she caused so much problem by leaving her husband’s house with such an attire” he started while pointing his fingers at me. I glared at him, unable to understand how he could be so inconsiderate. But what was I supposed to expect when Jordan had done worse.

“She completely brought shame to my name and doesn’t care about it and you tell me that she is reasonable” he yelled.

“I only did that because your son is a bastard and inconsiderate one as that and with what I can see, you might be too…” I blurted out angrily and jammed my lips together the moment he realized what I said. He turned to me with a death glare in his eyes. I probably shouldn’t have said any of those but I was angry as well and I had more to say because there was so much anger inside of me.

“He will go to any length to hide the wrongs of people if he wants to. He is unjust and untrue and

feels no concern towards me. Why should I care about your name when everyone in your family treats me like a toy, a maid, or rather a slave?” I yelled.

after. No one made a sound neither did any make a move. Jordan was still staring at his father, mom Leona was still staring at her husband and her husband was glaring at me. But it was silent and the only sound I could hear was the sound of my heart beating fast

for a long time, too long a time, I was slowly tired of hearing nothing and seeing nothing but them. But fortunately, mom Leona

her words Liam,” She said and that got

added just as she had said before. I sighed and folded my hand across my chest knowing he wouldn’t listen to his wife. It took a longer time, he didn’t stop glaring at me but he finally looked away and turned


me and walked away. It made

around for Tiana and Tiffany but found no one. It was just I and Jordan left in

cushion. There I sat and waited for my would-be husband to give a reply. He turned around and turned to me. His eyes were on

he said nothing for a long time.

funny and laughter erupted from the pit of my stomach and out of my mouth. I laughed and laughed so hard hiding my pain and anger. It wasn’t just funny

my parents

I mean…” He paused and I turned to him so I could look at his manipulative face and watch him speak. That was

“The home we share,” he said. Rage settled in the pit of my stomach immediately,

out…” I yelled and got up from where

came to take you

sat hating the way he was speaking to me like

happened and how he had manipulated

placed both hands on my waist.

out from here, I don’t

me. The silence stretched for a very long time, I almost believed he had left. Not unul I felt a light touch on my arm. I jerked and turned around, only to see

leave here without you. I know things look bad but we can selile this. Let’s just go home” he spoke like he had not

“Jordan, leave” 1 glared

“Genesis please…”

out, are you deaf?” I snapped at him. But he was adamanı, he remained where he stood like I

it was safer only for him to grab my hand. Rage pulsed through my blood and anger filled my heart. My other hand shook with rage and the moment I turned back to him, my hand moved in sync while being up in the air

turned to the side

lay your hands on me” I said loudly and turned away to leave. But stopped, I turned back to

life to get involved with someone as despicable as you,” I said with regret and

hurt because you believed I deceived you and pretended to be Samantha. You hurt me time and time again because you were so angry. I took everything but this I can’t take anymore. I accept your love for Samantha. I accept that I can never take the place of her in your life neither can I take the position of being your wife but I can’t live with a man who doesn’t care about

my skin, it was driving me crazy and making me feel like I should throw up. I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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