
Chapter 69

Chapter 69 Unworthy

Ren was delighted when he saw Darcy raise the toast. He knew Darcy had no intention to do so but she would comply if Agnes ordered her

His plan of flattering Agnes worked perfectly.

If he could manage the narrow-sighted stupid woman, she would then send her daughter to his bed.

He poured a glass of wine for his father but then he realized his father was petrified.

“Father, Darcy is raising a toast to you, what are you thinking?”


Jack recovered his composure and saw the glass Ren gave him. The glass of wine was like a burning piece of coal and he immediately let go of it.


The glass fell and shattered on the floor.

thought Jack was unhappy with her daughter’s actions, so she shouted,

toast to Mr. Joestar and look what you made him do.

was terrified. He knew Agnes had misunderstood

Stop, don’t offer any

angrier Agnes was.


Jack and said,


Darcy was not a drinker and was

himself, Jack froze. He dared not clink glasses with

again, so he quickly said, “Mrs. Quint, can you stop

worthy enough to accept

sounded familiar.

Kaze because it was he who said

thought Kaze was simply voicing his grievance and Agnes even scolded him, but it turned out that Jack’s response was exactly like


are you looking down on us? Do

unfit for

turned stiff.

difficult to get the attention of a first-tier family with her background and status. Her daughter married the idiot, so it was

Mr. Joestar to look down on

clink glasses because of this particular


it sounded differently in Jack’s

was angry

look down on your family. It’s not that


les die

words made Agnes panic.

man from a first-tier family, it was understandable that Ja not want to be frank and his rejection of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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