
Chapter 75

Chapter 75 Practise

The crowd thought it was the end of the world with the noise and tremors. They all turned around to see what was happening.

A dozen armed vehicles appeared and were approaching them. The

rumbling growls were from the tracks moving across the asphalt


They were like iron waves crashing forward with indomitable might.

The grand and majestic scene was indescribable by words.

The arrogant Manny and his men were frightened and speechless.

The armed vehicles stopped right in front of the protestors.

Everything went silent as if the world stopped spinning.

armed with loaded guns

place and their camouflage outfit painted the area

“W-Who called them?”

they here for

stared at the scene blankly and

a man emerged from

bestowed him a sense

Shin Scarlet, Commander of the

man as Shin was a


from a poor family yet he was promoted to commander at

Your age.

He was fearless and his wits led

in the

the rising star of the military world in Lilyrose City.

our planned

“Aye, aye, sir!”

soldiers marched out of formation


surrender! We

soldiers and immediately prostrated on the ground.

care about the gangsters surrendering. They raised the stock of



others cheered and applauded.

the embodiment of justice in the city and if he said those gangsters were troublemakers, then no one would

delete what

Manny hired immediately deleted


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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