
Chapter 128

Chapter 128 Show Him Despair

Amid the thunderous applause, Roger strutted up on stage and stood

in front of everyone.

All fifteen gangster bosses became the supporting characters that set him off.

“Mr. Hilfinger, why don’t you give a speech?”

Kelly took the mic from the emcee and gave it to him.

It was the emcee’s job but she snatched it just like that.

She was the chief secretary of the Construction and Material Society, she should be the woman of the event.

the limelight on her, it would propel her life to

daughter-in-law of the Hilfinger family! In the future, she might


had high hopes for her

the guests on the floor.

were heads of top families, and some were in charge of

the chief of police, and the two brigadie generals from the military.

event because of him.

that the Hilfinger family

would also be the peak

as he took the mic. He said strongly, “I prepared a script for the speech today but I don’t

script away and then looked

Kaze. All the guests knew that

to make an example

the Quint family, some

would Roger want to target

would be flattering the

one knew the grudge

you claimed that you are going to destroy the Hilfinger family. Let me ask you now, what do you think about the new and

culprit who

an example out of Kaze by humiliating him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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