
Chapter 131

Chapter 131 Ten Thousand People Deployed for Arrests

Following the scream, two thousand people in the hall switched their attention to the big screen on stage.

The screen was switched back to the Golden Edge construction site.

It was still live but the workers with the congratulatory banner were


Loud sirens could be heard from the site.

Then police cruisers entered the frame, followed by multiple green armored cars.

Common police officers and riot police officers came down from the


They were equipped with live

“Arrest them all!”

captain of the operation gave

charged into the

more than a hundred gangsters

across the ground like ragdolls. They

the board members, was horrified

are my men! Why are they being arrested? Who gave the order to arrest my men?”

everyone was still captivated by the

operation then went up

together with Special Operation Team C1 had completed

days, the gangsters have been causing trouble at the construction site. They forced

exorbitant price from an organization run by gangsters alike. We have arrested 105 suspects

be bringing them back.”

the captain saluted again before he cleared out

and went like the wind and the entire operation lasted

than two minutes.

the chief of police, Don Braders.

stage and asked, “You asked who

the answer. I gave

the guests were shocked.

Fangs gave orders to the Strategic Department to arrest some criminals. Do I

your permission for that?”

face turned pale.

gasped in shock as well.

the screen had switched to the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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