
Chapter 141

Chapter 141 Lee Family Shocked

A huge commotion erupted in the Lee family’s living hall.

Someone presented them with a coffin on Karina’s birthday?

Some of them even thought they heard it wrongly.

In the next second, two men led a group of four carrying a huge coffin into the hall.

The six of them were Dan’s men, the veteran soldiers who came back from the battlefield.

The entire hall was silenced.

one of the Lee family was stunned.

momentary silence, Narian stood up and bellowed, “Who are you? Why

hear me? The coffin is from Kaze Lee



the ground,

was not nailed down,

smell of blood assaulted the lively atmosphere

a body inside!”

Lee family was on stage when they saw the body


the birthday party were mortified.

today, please excuse us for now!

immediately left.

inform you that a week has passed since the month-long duration he granted you. He hopes to receive the Lee family’s apology and see them kneel before. him. Otherwise there will be severe

then left the living hall.

in the Lee family was stunned to the point that they forgot to

while, the Lee family regained their composure.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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