
Chapter 182

Chapter 182 A Bunch Of VIPs

Xion grinned as he pulled his phone out.

Right before he made the call, the door was opened.

“Dad! Someone slapped me!”

Xion was thrilled when he saw the man at the entrance. It was the manager of the hotel, Richard Keegan.

Richard was infuriated when he heard his son. “Who? Who slapped my son?!”

The man was enjoying the peak of his career in the past few days.

After his boss summoned the Tiger Fangs to lock down the hotel and capture the two top celebrities, no one dared to cause trouble at the hotel anymore.

All the VIPs from different fields behaved when they checked into the hotel and dared not voice ridiculous requests.

Now, someone broke his comfortable streak and hit someone in the

hotel. It was not just someone, but his son.

were having a gathering at the VIP

resolved in violence in front

infuriated Richard.

“I did it.”


strode over to have a better

eyes widened and his body


“M-Mr. Lee?!”

nervously wiped the sweat

his composure immediately and said, “Mr. Lee, I-I came here to talk to you about something. And I overheard there was an incident involving a guest at the hotel, and I

in the room was shocked as they stared at

bowed and called Kaze Mr.

to react

of this? What did

Lee should slap

glared at Xion.

a headache. He knew Kaze attended his son’s friend

for the slap, he instinctively ignored it. His words shocked the

others even more.

Richard forget about the slap, he even

came into the room.

Nick Guard, chairman of the local government financing platform, and Donald

powerful VIPS at first


the hotel was revealed to be someone powerful, many other powerful VIPS liked


here and we heard you are here too, so we dropped by to say hi. Are we interrupting anything?”

Kaze the longest, so

did the same and


fell on the floor and almost passed out. Devastated, he looked at his father and asked, “Dad,

He bellowed, “You wretched boy, what did you do to

I…” Xion stammered.

me to scuttle away like a dog and wanted my dear brother-in-law to kneel, apologize, and also

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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