
Chapter 216

Chapter 216 Parasite

“Kaze, are you done?”

Darcy looked at Kaze, blushing.

Kaze had been hugging her for a while and his hands were getting naughty.

“I’m never done with you, hehe…”

Kaze finally let go of her after taking in her scent. He released her with a heavy heart, well aware that he should not cross the line.

The intimate contact today was a good start to their romantic relationship. 2

Darcy then returned to her desk to resume work. She would call some of the newly promoted chiefs or leaders into the office for


she had become the CEO of Quintessential Group, she was responsible

than before.

able to concentrate at work and having no one to drag

went to the other room with

waited for her

done. Let’s go home.”

later, the door opened and Darcy

then drove Darcy back to Horizon


bored. He bolted up immediately when they

you’re awesome! I knew you could do

you are flattering


her brother and was

that the boy would not accept Kaze and

could not accept her husband, she would feel terrible.

like she was

him. I

Sky looked at Kaze, his almighty

are you doing out here? Isn’t it cold?”

Laime and his parents are here. I don’t want to see

as well. “What are they doing

was not particularly fond of the Laime family either.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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