The current situation at Golden Sands was much different from before.

The Patel family is busy fighting the John family.

Harvey York wants Kairi Patel to get as much information as possible so she doesn't panic later.

Kairi chuckled after receiving the text message.

He knew Harvey's actions had made the Golden Sands situation clear… But the enemies will also move faster because of him.

Simply put, the situation has become very tense.

Harvey smiled again after seeing the look on Kairi's face.

After reviewing the situation for a moment, he decided to go to the Robbins family residence instead of going inside.

– Seven o'clock in the evening.

Harvey arrived at the entrance of the residence.

doorbell, he could see

cars were very simple, with windows

bullets would be able to penetrate

clear how terrifying

at the license plate before his pupils

They are from Holcomb.

here? “They are too fast…” Harvey frowned, wondering if

Lola?’ Just when Harvey was about to find out what happened, dozens

front, showing a gentle smile

was a five point nine feet tall, handsome

Robbins was behind them, looking

of people happily chatted with each

in the suit smiled

smiled before looking at

come back after having

is just a family

worry about it." Saul forced a smile with a

at Saul before getting into the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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