Her Biliionaire Husband

Her Billionaire Husband Chapter 193

Chapter 193

“Let go!”

Veronica took a step back, but her movement was restrained because Melissa was clutching the hem of her trousers.

“Veronica, save me from here and I’ll give you 100,000. 100,00, alright? I-I can even write you a check.” Melissa continued to plead.

Next to them, Xavier was still in a fight and said to Veronica in between punches, “Roni, please. Please take Melissa away from here!”


As a smirk tinged the edges of Veronica’s lips, a look of ruthlessness crept over her petite face. Tilting her head at a bodyguard next to her who was holding a gun in his hand, she narrowed her eyes, raised her hand, and hooked her finger at him.

Following her gaze, the bodyguard realized that she wanted the handgun, but he was afraid to pass it to her. In the end, he cast an imploring look at Matthew, who didn’t give him any instructions. :

When she didn’t receive any reaction from the bodyguard for a few seconds, Veronica snatched the handgun from him directly, pulled the bolt quickly, and fired a shot, aiming it accurately for Melissa’s right leg.

A deafening bang sounded in the air, sollowed by a shrilling cry of pain from Melissa.

The people who were fighting at the side stopped fighting and turned to watch this scene in disbelief.

Xavier’s eyes grew large, and he looked from Melissa to Veronica several times. At last, when he saw Melissa holding her wound and crying in pain, he was sure that Veronica had indeed fired a shot at her.

“What are you doing, Veronica?!” Shoving aside the security guard in front of him, he lunged at Veronica.

In that moment, Xavier, whose rationale was overwhelmed by his burning rage, carried his injured leg and hobbled toward Veronica. “You said that I’m your brother, but this is how you treat me… Uh!”

raised the gun and shot his injured leg when he was about three

knee unwittingly. When his knee hit the ground heavily, he gasped in pain, and cold sweat broke out on his

with the blood on his face and flowed down, staining his white shirt red, and

to breaking down from the pain, but his

the gun which was still smoking

out her purse, from where she fished out a 500,000 check-and threw it at

and rolled around with the wind before landing on Melissa’s face,

manner, Veronica closed her purse with a loud snap. “Phew, so this is how amazing

for a long time. At the same time, Melissa was not the only one

with shock, but very quickly, he seemed to have understood something, and the slight

She’s doing this…

you’re showing off in front of me with money,” Veronica said sarcastically before she turned around

purse tightly and concealed her trembling hands by swaying them naturally as she

go and have a drink. Mr. Ritter, you’ve worked hard with your men. Let’s find a place,

today. For a second, Thomas was confused, but he quickly understood

seemed like a completely different person now. “Sure. You’re paying, then,” he said with a smirk. Then, he turned

twenty bodyguards. “All of you have worked hard, and the boss said

“Woohoo, great!”

so generous!

been a tiring evening

is quite

it, he knocked out one of

chatted amongst themselves while walking out of

glance thoughtfully at Melissa, who was slumped on the ground and had passed out from the pain,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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