Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 3

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 3

A Chase


The smell of sex and sweat hung in the air, the sound of skin against skin and moans from the two women who lay on the bed filled the room. They kissed each other as I fucked one of them. I didn’t really feel anything, even as my release rushed through me. I simply pulled out and got off the bed, taking a drag from the cigarette that was between my lips. Not even bothering to cast the two she-wolves I had just fucked a second glance. They won’t be able to walk for a good day or two.

They had fulfilled their purpose, and now I didn’t want to see them again.

Women were all the same to me. I fucked them and I moved on.

I was 34 and I didn’t have a mate, but I’m glad. I am not mate material. I am a fucking twisted freak of nature, I guess not being a werewolf meant I didn’t get one. It’s been over lo years and I accepted that fact. It just meant I could have a hundred women if I wanted, and I have had a lot more than that. And I wouldn’t need to deal with a so-called soul mate.

I didn’t have a fucking heart, nor did I care. There was no place in me for anyone else and that is the way I liked it. To be alone. I’ve seen countless men fall to their knees to please their women.

I wasn’t one of them. Some called it a curse that I didn’t have a mate, I called it a fucking perk.

No bitch to fuck with my head, the only thing I needed fucking with, was my dick and I got plenty of that.

I walked into the bathroom to wash their filth off me. I didn’t bother turning the light on. What’s the point when I could see in the dark? I frowned, stepping into the shower after tossing the cigarette into the bin.

cold water pour over me. I didn’t feel anything. Not the cold, not the pleasure. It was all the same. Years had passed and with each one, I felt more animal than human. The only

made it my sole purpose was to

rinsing off when I felt someone mind linking

my second in command, My Beta, was an Alpha but had refused his position to be b y my side.

‘Where?’ I linked back.

towards Birmingham if we leave soon, we might be able

man was on my council,


‘Yeah, Alpha?’

know, we’re coming tonight instead of tomorrow. They can host us.’ I left the bathroom and walked over to

the room. I hadn’t been to Elijah’s pack location although he came for pack meetings often. So, it

to admit, he had the strongest

and were sent out. I was settled not too far from my brother’s pack. But not too close for the packs to mix. I had territories all over and

By force in many cases, I forced the Alpha’s to submit, and I claimed my position and exercised my authority upon them. I wasn’t

They were

I wasn’t your ordinary werewolf. I was a Lycan. Stronger,

way. But whether they admit it or not. Every pack is safer with my reign over them. Innocent wolves don’t get abused. If they do, they know I’m here. I was the Alpha of The Night Walkers

were rogues working in packs, but beasts called Wendigo’s had appeared. Wendigo’s were werewolves who had eaten werewolves and become something different. They lived to kill and eat werewolves and had no trace of

with elongated limbs, long claws, teeth and surrounded b y a revolting smell. They preyed on children and pregnant

was these things were made with dark magic. And

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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