Her FaceBook Friend

Her Facebook Friend By Ifveen Chapter 20

I was back in my room, doing my delayed homework that I needed to complete. After our bad encounter, The rest of the day went smoothly for me without any difficulties and I didn’t saw him again too, just a few rude words here and there from some of my bullies nothing worse.

‘Your first kiss is stolen. What could be worse than it?’

My stupid brain reminded me and I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Crying over things that I have no control over will do me nothing good. It will only increase my problems.

Inhaling a breath, I opened my phone to distract my mind. Wanting to see if Remo did text me again or not.


“Are you worried about me Jacky?” I read and reread his text multiple times.

‘Why? I didn’t even know myself.

Scrolling down I saw his other text.

“Riots have occurred after the last day we talked and the internet was shut down for a few days here, so I couldn’t contact you. But don’t worry about me! I am fine. Nevertheless, if you missed me so much how about you give me your phone number. It will be easy for you to contact me.”

Instantly my brows frowned and I opened the google and searched for it.

‘it had happened. Oh, God! And I didn’t even have any idea about it. Riots in our country happen almost every year. It was nothing new. Two communities fighting over something without even a concrete reason mainly it was always caused by the political parties just before the election to win in one.

“Hey. I am sorry to know about it. Are you Okay? How about your family? Is everything okay?” This time I typed faster than I would have typed. Maybe he had created a little place for himself in my heart.

“I am fine Jacky. Don’t worry, me and my family both are fine. I didn’t know I mattered to you that much. ” his reply was ready in an instant and my heart decided to do a summersault without me knowing. What was I doing? Getting worried over a boy I talked like from a few days ago.

At that time I didn’t get the idea, of how to reply to him. So I took few seconds to type out the perfect reply

“Of course, I knew about the riots, that’s why I was asking.” I tried to portray that It was a nonchalant reply.

“Whatever makes you sleep at night baby.” He teased and instantly a smile Bloomed on my face.

He has a way with words.


me next time, don’t hesitate to call

I was still processing the information he gave me when His second

you in the last two days. I know you might think

exhale, God, when the hell did these words, started affecting me.

then again. Reading it like twenty times. And then look up from it looking at myself in the mirror on the wall. Along with understanding his flirting, I was smiling. I couldn’t wipe out the smile

“Jacky? What happened?”

reply to him. So I kept my phone aside and concentrated on my books. Biology book. Highlighting the important lines and making a question at every line. Thanks to him, I was able to reconnect with the subject without any hindrance from my mind since it was a topic of hormones. Chemical messengers of our body, responsible for our various emotions. ‘Yeah, it must be hormones that were making

line when my new pen’s nib fractures and my

from my phone compelled me to grab it up and I saw his

like to kiss

I was still unaware of how his mind

on my door made

was her turn to make something for dinner today. And she had this


the door at her

I scream. “Ah!”


and she screams



laugh flickering a finger

“Someone is scared!”

to grab me. But I run towards the stairs waving at

Catch me

didn’t mean she was better than

also better at running

stopped for my breathing to normal. While She came from behind me tickling me. Oh, I forgot to tell you I was

stomach. As she pressed

Nikki, please. I swear I will

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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