Her FaceBook Friend

Her Facebook Friend By Ifveen Chapter 30

Dear Readers

Thank you for giving this story a chance. What to expect?

1. Emotional connections.

2. Heartbreak, betrayal.

3. Steamy chats.

4. Steamy scenes.

5. Kidnapping.


I will try to update as early as I can. So don’t forget to comment on what you think about it.

“Don’t pour your heart in the people who don’t even have any idea how to take care of it!”[Jacqueline]


[Jacqueline’s POV]:

I pinched myself hard on my wrist.

“Did he just apologized to me?”

‘Or am I dreaming?’

‘No. No. He can not apologize to me. It must be a dream.’

“What’s wrong with you Jaan? Did you forgot to have your medicines today?”

He smiles. A weird smile that gave me a creepy feeling. One you get when you hear a sound in darkness and you a**ume it’s a ghost.


wrong with me. And what medicine are you talking about? I don’t take any medicine. f***. I barely have medicines in fever.” He groans in frustration and

looking him

across his chest. His white shirt

seems to work out a lot.’ I

I did. Jacqueline. I am sorry Please forgive me.” His eyes moved towards the corner again. And my eyes followed

‘No one is there.’


eyes locked with mine again. He didn’t seem guilty. Not even an ounce of guilt was in his eyes. Neither

ironic. Why? He was the first guy who was good at everything. From studies to

my pencils from her. But he, on the other

of babbling water to be soothing and comforting. The logo of our School shining in the sunlight on the back wall of the


me back to

“Yes.” I perk up.

“I am sorry.”

you the very first time Jaan.” I fake a smile at him briefly


manicured nails into my palm. To get off the


You made school life hell for me Jaan. So hell that I didn’t even want to come back to school. What makes you think I will forgive you. Forgive hah. What makes you think

giving him time

it’s a

he had stopped breathing from the moment I was speaking. Maybe that’s what he

me, the apology came

even know why I laughed. Or why even I was trying to argue with him. Was it because

“Stop lying Jaan.”

“I am not lying.”

little and allow myself

not possible. A guy who hated me without a reason will never apologize to me. And on top of that, if that guy is you. You are a bad

feel students watching us as they walked inside the campus building. Some were even whispering am*** themselves. But my laugh, my one octave higher laugh, increased people’s attention on us as they stopped a little farther away

seems stunned. Surprised. as if he wasn’t expecting me to say


said I hated you without a reason? I have a reason. A very good

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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