Her FaceBook Friend

Her Facebook Friend By Ifveen Chapter 37

“Close your eyes and think with your heart. How many advantages you forgot just because of few disadvantages.” [Remo]

[Third Person’s POV]:

Jacqueline’s one eye filled with tears and the other leaked with salty lotion.

“I am fine Now. Thank you.”

Remo frown at her formal answer, he thought they were past that formal stage. His fingers pressing on the words rapidly as he sends her another text in few seconds.

Despite her puffy eyes, she smiles as another message pops up on the screen.

“Don’t you trust me, Jacqueline?”

“I do.”

“Then why don’t you want to share your pain with me? What could I even make use of it Hon? I just want to know. You know. And I heard that sharing the pain can reduce the effect it has on the mind. Don’t you think I deserve to know? Even a little bit about you?”

She takes the tissue from the table blowing her nose, looking more like a terrible honk, a goose.

“A New Student arrived in our school some days ago, he sat beside me on the school bus and asked me what my name was.” She types rhythmically as her salty potion seems to have stopped.

“Oh. I think you told me about the incident. But I don’t think asking for a name could be that bad?” Remo remembers their old conversation where she had informed him about it. But at that time he shrugged it off.

“Ah, I might have told you about it. But now the situation is out of control. You are right, it’s not a bad thing for most people. But for me it is. I usually prefer to stay to myself, and his face screamed trouble. So in haste, I ended up lying about my name.”

“Oh yeah, I remember what happened later?”

“He turned out to be my cla**mate, and he is kind of blackmailing me from that day onwards.”

“What kind of blackmailing?”

“He had kind of stopped me twice. He is continuously pestering me about it. But today things have escalated a lot.”

Reading her texts engulfed Remo in strange feelings.


Or Am I thinking too much?’ Though he wanted to ask everything, he didn’t. She didn’t like when he called her possession. She stopped explaining when he

“What happened today?”

to take me to the clinical department of the school. He kind of came back to check up on me. Well, he

doing so many things for a girl even if it involves just giving her attention in the wrong way. It still meant the guy


his brain was

‘Hell. No!’

am I feeling so frustrated over the fact that this girl is

‘Do I like her?’

talking. How can I

with you? Remo Focus on what your friend

and he found himself texting her

“What happened afterward?”

me to

his fingers

awful. He was never a person who pitied others or felt others’ pain

making me feel caged here. Why do I want to go to her? Why am I so affected? God! What is this

blinked, controlling his weird


thought I would. I ended up rubbing

bare skin tingled in horror and he fell from the chair

he texts back.

do that though. I

a moment I was pissed. I don’t get pissed easily though.” He stood up sitting on the chair again. And continued to

love what you did to him. That’s

nastiest insult. But now hearing praise from him made her feel like she lost nothing. Like a kick in the gut was worth

terrible feelings settle with her amazing story. “What you did to him is the best disrespect you could have bestowed him with. It’s like kicking him in the balls, but it is more than even

me nicely while I ended up screaming in her f***ing face. Which further lead her to apologize to me and

am not afraid now. I know My Baby Girl can bite him if

to her bed, her bare feet feeling the cold of

with Jacqueline. The Girl can bite if needed and it just made her more attractive to him. He wonders what she would do


His attention drifts to his sister lounging on his sofa since morning. Because

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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