Her FaceBook Friend

Her Facebook Friend By Ifveen Chapter 41

Always Take Disrespect personally. Wrongly. Always.” [Jacqueline]


[Jacqueline’s POV]

I followed Nina by looking at her feet, as the noise around us grew louder. I shouldn’t have worn her clothes. I wasn’t even sure if I looked nice or if I looked fat. Me wearing a short top while my hair laid down on my shoulder loosely. It was creating a hell of anxiety within me.

A said to cla**mate B “Well, what the hell is she doing with Nina?”

“Who knows?” B answered.

“Did you see what she is wearing?” C questioned.

“I did. Dang, she doesn’t look that bad.” A replied.

“I think she is trying to impress someone.” B scoffed and retorted.

“I think you are right.” C and A agreed.

I wish what they said to be true. If only I could impress someone, I might have been having normal friends like them. I might be gossiping about someone like them too. I sighed, I didn’t need to pity myself.


whistled, “Dude. I want this s*** now.” My palms clenched tighter but

a staredown with the guy, who was talking s*** about me. After some stank-eye between them, the guy sat down as his friend pointed to a

pitiful? Halfway across the room, I realized I didn’t sit at the back and we never sit together. Why was I following her so dumbly? I turned back when her hand

her eyes narrowed down at me dangerously. My face

is there.” I pointed to the place. Her eyes returned to

Jacqueline, we

“But. I sit.”



the last one was occupied by Rohan. He scoffed at us. Or most probably me. Nina turned around and stuck her tongue at him. He snorted, behaving like he was angry with her. He didn’t seem angry though, when I had looked at him he looked more like a guy who was sitting leisurely. I looked at their interaction as Rohan showed his middle finger

us. It was not like I was stealing his best friend away from him. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to achieve that. I cut her


to teach us biology and

me crying she first thought I was being a dramatic kid but then realizing that my tears were for real she asked me to go back to my seat. I did sit down quietly but my tears flowed down my cheeks. She asked me for reasons and even tried to make me laugh but I was

HOD of Biology

as she moved from blackboard to smart board to teach us how the nervous system works. She had already taken

triggers reactions, such as making your

image of a kid pulling back his hand from a plate appeared on the screen. As she explained the example. “For example, if you touch a

pointing a finger towards each other, the teacher is facing black-board unaware of their jokes. Dang, they have

when they tie it in a ponytail. I try to crane my neck to glare at him, but he tightens his grip on my follicles, and I stop struggling. Nina now seemed like she was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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