Hey, My Twins Babies

Chapter 192 Freedom Got Restricted

Winnie would meet the child's requirements, only in this way, Luke could call her Mommy aboveboard.

"Mommy, Mommy, I am Luke, I am your son. I love you, Mommy."

Luke had been waiting for this moment for a long time. He loved Winnie and relied on Winnie.

"I love you too, son."

Winnie could not help crying. She thought she could not hear Luke called her Mommy, but now it realized.

Looking at Winnie cried again, Brian felt depressed. How should he do so he would not hurt the three people he loved so deeply?

The matter was basically settled, and he needed to make a final decision.

After that day, Brian would come to suburb to spend time with two children whenever he could. Each time he came, Winnie would go back to her room to continue her work.

She wanted to honor her promise to Brian, not to disturb him and not to appear in front of him as much as possible.

Brian was playing outside with his two children. From time to time, he would look at the window on the second floor, hoping that Winnie would stand there and he could see her.

But the figure he had hoped for never appeared.

"Daddy, can the four of us go out this weekend?"

Megan ran to Brian and asked in a sweet voice.

"Yeah, we haven't hung out for a long time. Daddy, if you don’t have to work, go out with us."

Luke came to ask for Brian's opinion.

"Sure, I am free this Sunday. Let's go out. But you need to tell Mommy."

Brian readily agreed, now he would be a competent father. He could not satisfy all demands of the children, but he would do his best.

"All right, I will talk with Mommy with brother."

Two children excitedly ran to find their mother, Brian sat outside waiting for the good news.

After a while, the two children came back in a happy mood. Brian knew they had made it.

Penny lay in the hospital, people finally came to see her, but they were the last people she wanted to see, and they were not visitors.

"You are so shameless, because of you, the Burns family is ruined, everything is ruined."

"Why didn’t you bump dead, so the Burn Group would not go bankruptcy."

"Penny, you are a curse, you should not have returned to the Burns family. Dad was wrong to bring you back."

These words were spoken by the half brothers and sisters of Penny.

They hated Penny to the extreme, otherwise they would not have come to the hospital to scold her.

"Get out of here, you failed to defend the Burns Group, why blame me?"

her as a sister, and

one should get out. We won’t be

sister snarled sharply, and at the

don't you go to Brian now and ask him to help? It's better

said without

you. I have nothing to do

their insults and cried

the next moment, her voice stopped, because

are so arrogant. I really don't know how your mean mother lectured you. The Burns family has nothing

together. From now on you are still alone, you are still an orphan. If I see you again,

brother and

was again alone in the ward and she could not help but

on, she was

Winnie and Daenerys with her before. But now she

and began to

And now the Burns family had nothing, even her status as not as good

that Brian could not be with her

it was impossible for her to stay with Brian, she couldn't stay here. As for her hatred with Winnie, she wouldn't forget. It would not be

decision, Penny found a nurse,

walked out than the

abuse, and the result of the traffic accident has not been reached, so you are not allowed to leave the hospital for the time being, and you are not allowed to leave B City until the matter

the warning, the police left, and Penny

Evidence of child abuse meant

Penny suddenly regretted. She should leave as her

Qin got up early to prepare

park that integrated amusement and leisure. The lunch would be had in the park. Handmade food was hygienic and the children loved to

Brian drove his car he was in a

park, Albert

After the rest of the things were

first time Luke came, but he was excited too, because he


Luke excitedly shouted.

Daddy, Mommy, let's

to play with her parents and to experience

play. Let Daddy take you

most afraid of these recreational facilities, even if there was no danger, she did not dare

is here. Daddy and brother and me will

beg, knowing that Mommy was afraid

Brian spoke in

kids are looking forward to it. Pirate


don't be afraid. I'll

Luke who had run away came

then, let's

did not want to let the two children

all four of them went to the

front of the line, the two children stood in the middle, and Brian

people here, I will ask Albert to

his phone and was to call Albert. Winnie

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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