Hey, My Twins Babies

Chapter 117 Playing a Trick on Penny

At this moment, Winnie didn't get angry, but smiled scornfully.

"Why didn't I foresee that you come to my office to destroy my computer today? You're afraid after seeing the bad things you did in my phone, so you have to use various means to destroy my computer, right?"

Winnie asked in a low voice, but pointed out Penny's soft spot with a word.

"What phone? I don't know what you're talking about."

Penny denied hurriedly. Seeing that, Winnie smiled more confidently.

"Well, you've succeeded now. Both this computer and data inside it are destroyed. Now, you won't have a sense of crisis, right? However, Penny, this computer belongs to the company. Now, you're stepping on it. How should I explain to Mr. Bennet?"

As she said, Winnie took out her mobile phone and took several photos quickly when Penny wasn't paying attention.

"Winnie, what are you doing?"

Penny finally realized what had happened and took her feet quickly off the computer.

"I take some pictures to serve as evidence. When Mr. Bennet asks me about this computer, I can explain it clearly with them."

Winnie moved to another topic quickly. She wanted Penny to believe that all the evidence had gone and saw what Penny would do after knowing that.

"It's but a computer. How much does it cost? I'll compensate you for it."

If Brian knew what she had done, she would be warned again. She didn't want Brian to lose his temper with her again.

"You compensate me for it? How are you going to compensate me? The computer was worthless. A new one costs only 30000 dollars or 50000 dollars. However, what about the data I lose in my computer? How are you going to compensate me for that?"

The more Winnie said, the colder her voice became. In the end, she spoke in a very cold voice.

"I...I don't know. After all, I don't know how to develop software."

Penny was somewhat embarrassed and was afraid that Brian would know it.

"Oh, I forget that you majored in law. Do you know the consequences if you intentionally damage other people's property and cause huge losses? Do you know how much money the data in my computer is worth? It might be worth a few billion dollars. It's enough to keep you in jail all your life."

Winnie reproached angrily. She knew that she was exaggerating, but Penny deserved to be scared after Penny did that to her computer.

"Stop talking nonsense..."

Penny wanted to defend herself, but Winnie interrupted her.

"I will search my data in the database. If I lose some data, I'll sue you. Even if I can't let you spend the rest of your life in prison, I'll let you be put in prison for a few years so that you will confess and atone for what you have done."

"Get out! Get out now!"

Winnie said loudly with a stern expression, not being as gentle as usual. She would unconsciously became indifferent when she saw Penny. Every time she saw Penny, she would think of the scene of Luke's being abused.

"Winnie, don't go too..."

go to your husband to talk about

the door

before she was

to see

walked to the

me the compensation

her and asked her to compensate her as if she wouldn't allow her to leave before she did. It was obvious that Winnie was playing a

around helplessly and glowered at Winnie with malicious

a bank card from her bag and threw it

Keep the change. I'll

angrily and then turned around. However,

beggar. But I'm not a beggar. I'll give Brian the extra money and

off if you dare to tell

Winnie more than ever. She really wanted

not. If you know that you'll be afraid of it, why did you destroy my computer? Since you threaten me like that, I would like to tell Brian this

on a triumphant

"Damn bitch!"

Winnie and

bitch is better than being a stupid guy. How can I

who turned around and was about to leave, for the

the date of my

was not only a bitch but also a devil at this

date of your birthday. In my opinion, you're but an insidious and cunning villain. It's

her both

she celebrated Penny's birthdays with her every year. How

it. It not only made her sad,

and wrote down the password. Penny knew that Winnie was playing tricks on her, but now she was in a disadvantaged position. So she could only endure

your husband for money to buy a better computer.

was angry,

the secretarial room. Seeing that there wasn't anyone around, she

nor reported it to Brian, going back directly to her

went to Winnie's office. He had refrained himself from seeing her for several days. Now, he finally put an end to this issue. It was time for him to

door and


"Where does she go?"

turned around and looked at

there was something wrong with her computer, so she went to our company's store

she said,

will prepare computers for employees.


damaged it and that she should compensate for it. But it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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