Chapter 14 I’ll Set You Free

After finishing work, she took a taxi directly to the hotel.

However, at the hotel entrance, she spotted a familiar figure.


Josiah was leaning against the car door while smoking with his head down. Today, he was dressed casually, not in a suit and tie. Lysander guessed that he probably didn’t even go to the company day.

The reason he didn’t go was definitely not because of her.

Josiah noticed her and immediately extinguished the cigarette before jogging over to her side. “You’re back.

Lysander glanced at the hotel where she was staying. It was almost like a north-south divide from the apartment, and it took nearly an hour to drive one way.

“How did you know I was staying here?”

Josiah said, “This hotel is owned by the Guerra Group”

She furrowed her brows slightly and felt a sudden regret.

She was a doctor and didn’t know much about business. She rarely inquired about his company, let alone what industries were under the Guerra Group.

She never expected that this hotel was also owned by the Guerra Group.

“Where’s Lysanne?” she asked.

“Still at home.” Josiah felt a bit guilty and explained, “She can stay there if she wants. I’ll accompany you to stay at the hotel.”

Lysander shook her head. “You should go back. She’s a pregnant woman who needs care. I’ll be fine on my own.”

She turned, walked into the hotel, and headed straight for the elevator.

Josiah quickly took two steps to catch up with her. “Lysander, I called your hospital and found out that

will start your annual leave tomorrow. Let’s go out for a walk.“”


Ding! The elevator arrived.

“But I

on the mountain, which is also owned by the Guerra Group. If you want to rest, we can stay at the hotel. If you want to go out and see the scenery and breathe fresh air, we can also go

Balance 22+0

1 Coins= 1 Pearls

14 Set You

a caregiver to take care of her at


“Yes, what is it?”

out some things. If you still can’t let go of Lysanne, I will set you free then. I will not stand in the

Josiah looked slightly embarrassed.

the nail on the head, or perhaps it was because her indifferent attitude made him

when he reached out to stop it. Then, he walked up and stood.

between me and her,” he stammered. “It’s never

Lysanne. Once back in the room, he busied himself boiling water


wouldn’t keep asking. They gave

to become one with

it and felt that it was

at the age where her family was urging her to get married, and she needed a stable marriage Josiah loved someone whom he couldn’t have, so it didn’t matter

long as things were generally okay, they could get by. That was

still hesitant about Josiah’s

wife and the owner of the resort! It’s free to

checked the prices of the hotel


also reminded her. “You should confirm with Josiah first if Lysanne is


1 Coins=

199 +

1 Pearls

Tl Set

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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