Chapter 19 Josiah, I Don’t Want To See You Again.

Josiah took two slow steps forward, approaching her, his gaze fixed on the blood-red tissue in her hand. He reached out his hand, his Adam’s apple rolling up and down with difficulty. “C-can I touch it?”

Lysander nodded slightly.

Perhaps because the wind outside was too cold today, Josiah’s hand was shaking violently. It wasn’t just his hand, as his whole body was trembling violently, the veins on the back of his hand bulging like twisted roots as if they were about to burst through the skin in the next second. However, his movements were careful, filled with guilt, regret, and pain.

Lysander watched him coldly the whole time, watching his eyes turn redder, and his teeth clench tighter until finally, his trembling hand was almost out of control. He had to use his other hand to his wrist tightly as he gently touched the tissue. She then quickly closed her palm and took it back.

Josiah seemed to have just woken up from a nightmare as if he had been in a dream.

“Mr. Guerra.”


“Mr. Guerra.”

that Lysander was calling him Mr. Guerra. She had

frowned in pain and asked in a

“How else, then?”

told me earlier. If I had known that you were already pregnant with our

I am also my own person. I don’t to be someone’s substitute for the rest

furrowed tightly. “I am the child’s father. If you


I had told you earlier, would you have given up being

“I am not incapable of raising my

directly answered my question.

He was quiet.

thought about the child? When this child grows up and asks me why their


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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