Chapter 21 Approximately Four Weeks of Intrauterine Pregnancy, Embryo Alive

The notion of a “child” had crossed Josiah’s mind throughout his life.

In his mind, a child was either a soft and cuddly baby being held in one’s arms or a mischievous little one running around causing chaos.

He never imagined that his child would one day be reduced to a small mass of flesh and wrapped haphazardly in cheap tissue paper. The child was then ultimately discarded into the garbage heap, mingling with all the foul and filthy things.

With Daphne’s support, Lysander slowly walked away

As Daphne glanced back at Josiah, Lysander patted her hand, signaling her not to look back.

over three years

Josiah had known Lysander for but he had never seen her so calm and decisive.

She was obedient and hardworking. She resembled the top female student who always ranked first in the class, obedient and well-behaved in front of teachers, but with an underlying spirit of determination.

Unfortunately, he had only seen her surface of obedience and gentleness. He never realized that she could be so resolute when she made a decision.

He understood what Lysander had just told him.

sake of the child’s physical and mental. health, for their

that she had been considering whether to keep this child for some time, weighing the pros and

it Lysanne insisting on going to the hotel with them, or is this morning

to figure

even intend to tell

hadn’t coincidentally found her wallet, and he hadn’t coincidentally opened the compartment inside and seen the pregnancy test report, perhaps he would

was always an understanding between them, never snooping through each other’s

even if Josiah had received the wallet handed over by the waiter, he wouldn’t have opened it without

Balance: 64 + 0

1 Coins

1 Pearls

looked at the light paper in his hand, which read, “Approximately

ne pregnancy, embryo alive.”

lightly touched the word “alive.” He could feel the raised traces

wondered if it was

had long disappeared from view, and several cigarette butts had accumulated


why he was still staying here

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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