Chapter 26 Their Couple Profile Picture

She opened WhatsApp and glanced at her screen.

Indeed, it had been changed.

The previous serene and elegant white cloud profile picture had been replaced with a cartoon boy puckering up for a kiss toward the right.

It seemed that Lysanne’s profile picture should be a cartoon girl kissing toward the left.

This change completely contradicted Josiah’s usual style, and it was obviously a couple’s profile picture. No wonder Daphne erupted on the spot.

With a creak, Daphne opened the balcony door and returned to the living room.

Lysander put away her phone and slipped it into her pocket.

As Daphne came in, she looked around vigilantly.

Lysander chuckled. “What are you looking for?”

“Where’s your phone? Why isn’t it here?”

“Oh, I was standing by the window and was afraid it might fall, so I put it in my pocket. Is something wrong?”

I was worried your phone might fall off

Lysander smiled. “Yeah.”

said, “Try to use your phone less these


be sharp-tongued. I gave him a good scolding, and

chuckled lightly. “You are really

raised her chin proudly. “Of

phone, so Lysander could only obediently

the daytime on a workday, there wasn’t much to watch on TV. She flipped through channels with the remote

and though tired,


1 Coins &

710 *


1 Pearls

at home is so dull. Let’s go out and

“Where are we headed?”

and blow off some steam,” Daphne

and thoughtfully

around, the atmosphere was lively, and in no time, they

Lysander felt a bit worried for her. “Take

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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