Chapter 28 Love Letter From Eight Years Ago

She awkwardly smiled and took the paper napkin. “Thank you.”

“The lyrics are really good, right?”


“Old songs are classics. They always evoke emotions in people’s hearts at different times, making people unconsciously shed tears.”

Lysander felt warmth in her heart. He was trying to make her feel less awkward for crying.

He placed the blame for her emotional outburst on the infectious power of old songs.

“Hello, my name is Adrian Sutton. My family and Daphne’s family are old friends.”

“Hello, my name is Lysander Thorne.”

“I’ve heard of you. You’re the youngest obstetrician and gynecologist at the Central Hospital and very famous among the medical community in Harborbrook.”

Lysander was slightly surprised. “Are you a doctor too?”

Adrian replied, “Yes, but I studied medicine abroad and just flew back to Ecron this year.”

Lysander nodded and smiled. “We are colleagues then.”

polite. Your singing is really good and flows well with this song.

you. Maybe I was

startled. When she came

and enjoying the show. Lysander did not

her gaze and grinned at her. “What are you

replied, “Song lyrics

along pretty well. Adrian, I remember you used to be

not to understand what

patted Daphne’s arm and frowned as a signal. “Don’t mess


1 1



710 +91


“You better not.”

there to be afraid of?

Lysander heard, the more something seemed off. Daphne was clearly

Daphne and shook her head

she heard Adrian say, “I’ve known Dr. Thorne for a long time, but

“You’ve always been abroad. How could you have

school had an exchange program with my university, so I came back home for a visit. We met at the Shaw

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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