Chapter 38 Package Delivery From Josiah

Daphne requested a glass of hot water from the waiter and handed it to Lysander, saying, “Let’s go. I’ll take you to the hospital.”

Lysander stood up, and the two of them exited the coffee shop and entered the car.

Daphne started the car, getting ready to drive away.

But Lysander halted her, saying, “Don’t go to the hospital.”

Daphne disagreed, “Do you want to see how pale your face has become now? Don’t argue with me.”

“I’m a gynecologist myself. Why should I go to the hospital?”

Daphne was momentarily speechless. “Fair point. I suppose the doctor on duty probably isn’t as skilled as you.”

Lysander chortled. “Let’s head home.”

“Are you really okay? Don’t tough it out. If it’s really bad, you can go to the hospital for a painkiller.”

“Harper, I don’t want to go to the hospital.”

“Look, I understand. It’s your workplace, and once you’re off work, you never want to step foot in there again. But you can’t just endure the pain like this, right?”

“Josiah and Lysanne are there.”

Daphne was about to say something, but upon hearing this, she ultimately held back her words.

Lysander said, “It’s just a stomach ache. We can simply grab some gastric meds and painkillers in a pharmacy on the way back.”

“Why did you suddenly have a stomach ache?”

wet in the rain just now

slightly relieved. “Okay,

her straight home and then asked a runner to

took the medicine and fell

some time, the vibration of

is this Miss

“Yes, who is this?”



1 Coins –

1 Pearls

38 Package

mind cleared up a bit. She wasn’t fond of online shopping, and she hadn’t bought anything online

before, she probably entered her previous

pick up the package, she would have to go to

want to

home right now. Can

are several items. Do you want to reject

Several items?

Lysander was sure those packages

what she needed,

you sure it’s my


are you sure the spelling is

is right, and the phone number is yours. Even if the name is spelled wrong, the phone number can never be

then did Lysander

by the similarity between her and Lysanne’s names,

Ring, ring.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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