Chapter 50 Time

“Haha, don’t you find it hilarious? I have never seen anyone like Josiah before. If one calls him a complete idiot, the man has successfully managed such a big company after all this time. Still, he can’t be all that bright since he’s willing to do such irrational things.”

Lysander remarked, “Ah, the power of love. It’s mysterious, isn’t it?”

Daphne sneered, “I really don’t understand him. What does he see in Lysanne? If he’s a king, it wouldn’t be that far off to call him a completely useless one, wouldn’t you say?”

Lysander’s assessment was straightforward. “Well, maybe those two are addicted to that sort of toxic love.”

“In any

case, this incident ultimately falls on Josiah’s shoulders. Your ex-mother-in-law fainted when she found out. This matter has spread like wildfire within our social circle!”


“What do you mean ‘oh? Aren’t you the slightest bit gleeful? Come on. Let’s have a celebratory meal. We missed out on dining at that popular restaurant last time. We should go there this time.”

Lysander shook her head. “There are too many people there. Why don’t we just have a meal somewhere else?”

Alas, Daphne insisted, “No way! I’ve been wanting to dine at that popular restaurant for so long!”

had improved significantly after some rest. So. Daphne immediately seized this opportunity to drag her out, stuff her in the car, and

slightly displeased expression, she merely smiled cheekily. “Don’t worry. I will never fall in love in this lifetime. The front passenger seat is yours for as long as you

couldn’t help but chuckle

regret after being teased about the front passenger seat over and over again. I shouldn’t have


she would immediately begin criticizing Lysanne, saying disparagingly. “She is just a typical two-faced b*tch. You shouldn’t have backed down at that time. I still believe you should

made herself comfortable in her seat and

can do that. It still doesn’t

Lysanne right down to his

would only lead to unnecessary trouble. Frankly, Lysander found it too


Chapter 50 Time

believe that everything can be resolved gracefully. I want to say, ‘no judgment but that would be a bald-faced lie. Your marriage ended on a graceful

as she retorted. “Is he happy

as she mused. “He probably was happy. Sadly, his company suffered a major loss because of Lysanne and her darling cousin. The man’s career is affected

financial news for the first time in a long


has given me the

the news again, she no longer felt the same excitement as she did

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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