Chapter 72 Am I Boring?

Aiden chuckled awkwardly, sat down, and took a few sips of wine to cover up the embarrassment. “Actually, it’s not that bad. Lysanne has always said that she and Josiah are best friends.”

“Friends? Do you believe that?” Zane teased. “After so many years, I don’t believe she doesn’t feel anything for Josiah.”

Aiden held the cup in his hands and chuckled, but did not argue further.

Zane sighed and said, “The most pitiful person in this whole situation is another person-Lysander. She is being used as a substitute for Lysanne without knowing it. Josiah’s kindness toward her is not because of her, but because of Lysanne. Now that Lysanne has changed her mind, she has to leave immediately. It’s quite cruel when you think about it.”

Aiden laughed. “So what? Is she being wronged by marrying Josiah? If they divorce, won’t she get a big sum of money? She won’t have to worry about food and drink for the rest of her life. She can down and relax, without having to make any effort.”

Zane thought for a moment and nodded. “That’s true)

“What’s the girl’s family background like?”

just lie

“Not great. She can’t even afford a house in-Harborbrook. After moving out of Josiah’s house, she can only stay with friends… Oh. She’s staying at Daphne’s house.”

Aiden was drinking and laughing. “That’s right. After marrying Josiah for a few years, she immediately has a house and a car. She achieved financial freedom. I think she should thank Lysanne. If her name wasn’t similar to Lysanne’s, would she be able to benefit from such a good thing?”

The next day, Lysander happened to have a day off.

However, she had a leg injury now, so she had to come to the hospital in the morning to change her dressing. After changing the dressing, she was too lazy to take a taxi back, so she went straight to her office.

At noon, Lynn went to the hospital cafeteria to get food for Lysander. Upon seeing Lysander flipping through medical records, she walked over and slammed the medical records shut.

raised her head. “What

leave today. Don’t look at this

took the packed lunch box with a smile. “I’m just

you’re idle, you can sleep

then her smile slowly faded.

her open the lunch box, Lynn


Thu, May

72 Am



us, you’re quite lively. Just

about teaching, I’m talking about… in

do you

for a moment and said, “I am fully focused on my work, I don’t like to watch Instagram or play

for a moment and said, “But aren’t we doctors all like this? Especially in the obstetrics and gynecology department. We have to be on high alert at all times. If a pregnant woman has any sudden situation, no

“Yes. Marrying and dating a doctor should be quite

within ourselves. You’re busy and I’m busy.

Lysander’s phone

was the



then. I need to

at her leg, which was wrapped in thick white bandages, and hesitated for

floor. Although she could take the elevator, it would still involve a long walk from her office to the elevator and then another long walk from the elevator to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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