Chapter 81 Come and Meet Your Sister-In-Law

But Aiden miscalculated today.

He didn’t encounter hell, but he did meet a stunning woman.

The woman appeared to be a medical worker, busy beside the blood donation vehicle, dressed in a long sky blue gown that accentuated her elegant figure and standing tall with a gentle demeanor.

He quickly snapped a photo and sent it to his friends group.

The group went wild..

Wow! This girl is gorgeous, but why only a back view?”

Yeah. Arden. Go get a front view for the guys to see?”

Aiden chuckled and replied in the group. I need to respect her privacy, you know. Lysanne studies law. If anyone disobeys her, watch out for Josiah coming for you.

At the mention of Josiah, the group fell silent.

But not for long, the group of young men with strong hormones couldn’t contain themselves.

Aiden, be cautious. What if she looks beautiful from behind but her front view is unbearable?”

photo doesn’t mean I

she pretty from

they were eager before saying, ‘I might have encountered the

“What does that mean?”

for me for ten minutes. You can come to


Ten minutes? Don’t boast!”

failed when

pocketed his phone and strolled

reality, not many people were willing to donate blood for

few young nurses in tidying up the

noticed a shadow looming over

instinctively and asked nolitely. Hello fre vou here to donate


Fri, May

81 Come and

first, and then our

Aiden said while leaning in slightly and his hands on

spoke in close

back slightly, but due to the difficulty in

In the future, you or your family members can have priority access to blood based on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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