Chapter 93 Narrow Encounter

Josiah was furious. “Lysanne, let go now. We can talk about it later!”

“I won’t. You dared not answer my calls before. If I teach you a lesson this time, you’ll rebel next time!”

Eleanor also tried to persuade Lysanne. “Miss Thorne a life is at stake. Madam is really in unbearable pain! Think about how good Madam has been to you before. Can you bear to delay her treatment? Please let go. We can talk about it later…”

“Shut up! I’m talking to Josiah. It’s none of your business as a servant

Eleanor’s face turned pale instantly after being scolded.

She was an old servant in the Guerra family, and even Josiah respected her a lot. No one in the Guerra family had ever spoken harshly to her. Lysanne’s condescending words left her speechless.

The sound of an ambulance siren came from outside.

The receptionist exclaimed, “The ambulance is here! Mr. Guerra, the doctor is here!”

Josiah was overjoyed, but his feet were still firmly held and he wasn’t able to move at all.

Seeing this situation, Eleanor knew she couldn’t rely on Josiah anymore, so she ran toward the ambulance directly.

When Lysander jumped down from the ambulance, she was slightly stunned to see Eleanor. “Eleanor?”


bother to correct Eleanor and

for many days. It

“Where is she?”

“On the eighth floor.”


“Alright, alright.”

staff inside the ambulance, “Bring a stretcher, the oxygen tank,

“Yes, Dr. Thorne.”

have time to put on her white coat, so she was still

take the elevator, she was

face was filled with anger and annoyance, and he felt embarrassed when he saw her.

weren’t meeting her? If you didn’t call

you see what’s more


The elevator arrived.

acknowledge the

were standing right in front of the elevator, so the

struggled in his arms, kicking and hitting him like a fish out of water. “What are you doing? How dare you touch me? Help, this is

pushing the stretcher saw this scene and felt really

what should we do

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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