Chapter 106 Scolding Indirectly

Once more, Lysanne was scolding Lysander indirectly.

Priscilla was not a fool. She could tell that Lysanne’s intentions were not good. However, given Harry’s respectful attitude toward Josiah, she didn’t dare to be negligent. She explained softly, “He’s a friend of my father’s. My father invited her to help out.”

“Was it an invitation, or did she take the initiative to put herself forward?” questioned Lysanne.

“It should have been an invitation..

“What do you mean ‘should be?” Lysander interrupted her directly. “There’s a big difference between being invited and coming on your own accord. You should think it through properly.”

Priscilla, dressed in an intricate wedding gown and teetering on high heels, stood somewhat bewildered in her place.

The guests below were all waiting for the newlyweds to change into their new outfits and propose a toast, signaling the start of the feast.

However, Priscilla was cornered on the stage, unable to descend, and felt somewhat paralyzed.

Fred, who was in the audience, sensed that something was off. He anxiously kept glancing toward the stage, deeply concerned about his daughter’s situation.

Since Lysander had agreed to take on the role of the bridesmaid, she naturally had to be loyal to the cause. She said in a deep voice, “Priscilla, let’s take the route from the back. We can use the second elevator from there.”

“Lysander?” Priscilla was confused.

hand is important, so many people are watching below. Don’t let

caught sight of her father’s worried expression from the stage. She gave a slow nod. “All

her lift the hem. of her wedding dress. The dress was voluminous and

“Priscilla, how could you be so rude? Do you

guilt, Priscilla confessed, “But I don’t

you, Mrs. Guerra holds a special place in Mr. Guerra’s heart. You need to help me get on good terms with her. If we can

a nonchalant “oh “her lunderstanding seemingly


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May 31

Chapter 106 Scolding Indirectly


hint of apology in her gaze as she looked at Lysander. “I’m sorry, Lysander. I have to go back and entertain

a thought: I’ll have someone escort them to the main table first.

the wedding dress hem from Lysander’s hand. He looked at her coldly.

remained still,

down his spine under her gaze. He pulled out a monetary gift from his pocket and thrust it into her arms, dismissing her with a wave of his hand. “There, I’ve given you your


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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