Chapter 108 Only She Can Sit In The Passenger Seat

“This is about saving a child’s life!”

In a fit of urgency, Josiah’s tone came off rather harsh He was aware of it, but he didn’t intend to apologize.

He furrowed his brows and glared at Harry, his gaze icy. “Why is she still sitting on the ground? Quickly, carry her out and take my car to the hospital”


“Josiah!” Lysanne exclaimed angrily, giving him a tug. “That’s someone else’s wife. Why are you in such a rush?”

Josiah gave her a cold glance. “Because my child was also lost at such a young age. I don’t want to witness another child turn into a mere pile of flesh and blood right before my eyes.”

Lysanne turned pale. “That’s her husband’s business. Why are you meddling? Let’s go.”

Josiah remained still.

Frustrated, she stomped her foot and exclaimed, “So you won’t leave, is

truly sorry. It’s my fault that you had a fight with Mrs. Guerra. Maybe I can help you bring her back? I can apologize to her

owe an apology, but it shouldn’t be to her. It should be to your wife.” Josiah said coldly, “What are you waiting for? Hurry up and carry her! The

was reluctant. “But we still have to give a toast later. Many of those who

Molsey!” Lysander couldn’t hold back any longer. “What matters more to you? The lives of your wife and child or

to berate her instead. He pointed at her nose with an imposing aura and said, “Who do you think you are? You’ve got no right to speak here! Get

agony echoed. Harry’s arm was twisted in

hear the chilling sound of a

at Josiah, somewhat taken

hands with a look of disgust. In a cold voice, he said, “Don’t worry about him. Lysander, what should I do now to


slight nod, crouching down as he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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