Chapter 110 If You Utter Another Word

In agony, Priscilla was half-lying on the back seat, her face as pale as a sheet of paper. The pain was so intense that she couldn’t even muster a cry..

“Ly… Lysander…”

Lysander glanced at the rearview mirror, noticing specks of bright red appearing on her pristine wedding gown.

Priscilla could feel it, too. She struggled with all her might and said, “Lysander, I’m bleeding…”

“We’re almost at the hospital, Priscilla. Just hang in there a little longer

“Lysander, my child, my child… Is it possible we can’t save the baby?”

Lysander remained silent, her lips pressed tightly together, her expression solemn.

Priscilla was on the verge of breaking down. “My dad said you’re the best obstetrician in Harborbrook. Lysander, I beg you, you must save my child…”

“I…” Lysander was at a loss for words.

With Priscilla’s pregnancy this far long, any changes in her condition, especially any sign of bleeding, could indicate something minor or something quite significant.

“Don’t worry just yet. Once we reach the hospital, everything will be taken care of. Doctors, nurses, operating rooms, medications-they’ll all be available.”

Her voice was cool yet steady, soothing Priscilla temporarily. However, her expression remained one of deep distress.


The cell phone rang.

was fully focused on driving, unable to spare

under her breath, “Lysander, you better not pick up that call! Focus on driving! Have you

already highly agitated. Upon hearing those words, she snapped, “If you utter one more word, I’ll have you thrown

phone continued

into her pocket to retrieve her phone.

“Hello, Dr. Ziegler.”



1 Coins

1 Pearls



48% 1

still unclear. I’m on my way back to the hospital

my only daughter. Her mom

herself and said, “Dr. Ziegler, considering Priscilla’s condition, I believe surgery

said. “I’ll contact them

you currently at the


surgery is required, we’ll need the child’s father

“All right. All right.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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