Chapter 169 Encounter In The Restroom

The waiter hastily apologized, “I’m sorry, miss! Are you hurt?”

When Lysander came to her senses, she realized that she had been shielded behind Zachary

The ground was littered with shards of shattered glass, and scalding soup was splattered in all directions.

The worst off was his

Zachary was clad in a beige polo shirt, speckled all over with brown spots from the soup. The grey sweatpants. One of the legs was nearly completely soaked through.

Moreover, from the steam wafting out, it was clear the soup was still piping hot.

Seeing the situation, Lysander didn’t waste any words. She immediately grabbed Zachary’s hand and took off running.

She heard the waiter call out from behind, “Sir, miss, do you need a towel?”

“Where’s the restroom?” Lysander asked.

The waiter’s face had turned pale, clearly frightened. “Just go straight, turn right, and walk until the end.”

Lysander tugged Zachary along, taking a couple more steps before she heard his strained voice saying, “Lysander, slow down…”

Lysander could hear the slight tremble in his voice. She crouched down, cautiously rolling up his pant leg a little.

Even though her actions were gentle enough, she could still feel the instant tension in his calf muscles.

of your sweatpants is cotton, which can easily stick to the skin and cause secondary burns. It’s necessary to immediately rinse with

his teeth. “All right, I’ll go myself.

the men’s restroom…”

this really the time

“I’m fine.”

I’ll support


doctor here, so listen

restroom, Zachary was a bit uneasy. He wanted to say something, but Lysander had already quickly moved to the sink, turning the faucet on full blast. Then, she knelt down

hurried to support her. “Lysander,

fine. It’s quicker if I help

gasping for air. Any movement that involved bending over would pull at the skin

aren’t really cooperating,” Lysander commented with furrowed

not too loose to begin with, clung to his skin after being soaked in

169 Encounter

to roll

Lysander added more force to pull the pants leg

“Did I hurt you?”

okay, you…

pants are too tight. I


hospital, and Lysander had forgotten to ask the waiter for

skin had already reddened, swelled, and wrinkled. Moreover, it

tear, then with each hand gripping a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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