Chapter 188 Two Edge Sword

Lysander simply flashed a subtle smile.

Good friend.

These words were once a thorn in her heart, but now they had become a double–edged sword aimed at Josiah.

Zachary was still explaining, “We’ve known each other for over twenty years and grew up together. We went to the same school, from elementary to high school. When she was deciding her college major, I was the one who helped her choose medicine.”

The expression on Josiah’s face couldn’t be any gloomier.

Taking advantage of the situation, Lysander said, “Mr. Guerra is planning to buy our neighborhood’s land to develop it into an amusement park, hence his visit to survey the area.”

Zachary suddenly understood. “Oh, so that’s what it was, I initially thought it was…”

Josiah expression drastically changed. “What did you think it was?”

“Nothing, it’s nothing. As soon as I got home, my mom mentioned that our neighborhood is scheduled for demolition. Turns out, it’s actually driven by Mr. Guerra. That’s quite a coincidence.”

Lysander spoke softly. “Mr. Guerra mentioned that he plans to build a house within Harborbrook for us to be resettled. That would solve our housing problem in the future.”

mom was just worrying about having to rent a house. Oh, Lysander, should our families choose the same floor and

want is to come over to my house for a free meal,

chip in for the groceries and even lend a hand in

cook, but sadly, both Michelle and I barely eat at home. And you know how my dad is, he never says anything complimentary. But you, on the other hand, always have a creative way to praise her cooking. Not only that, you’d even take

my dirty laundry in front of others, alright? Can you at least

just came down from upstairs, my mom mentioned she was about

a sly grin, asked, “Is it

Mdm. Camila as well. That way,

broke into a wide smile, his eyes sparkling. “That’s fantastic,” he said. “My mom has never liked cooking, and I’m sick

188 Two

in the future, she’s always welcome to come over to my place for meals. It’s just my parents

won’t be

“Don’t worry about it.”

be taking our leave now. When


Zachary’s hand and headed toward the entrance of the

walking fast, Zachary’s voice

his bride–to–be, he’s out here looking at property? Talk

stating. “As long as the bride isn’t upset, that’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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