Chapter 203 Start Over With You.

Lysander remained calm and composed, quietly observing for a while.

He struggled for a while, but ultimately he still didn’t dare.”

They were already at the hospital entrance.

Lysander said. “Wait for me here. I’ll be back quickly after delivering the document.”

“All right, you go ahead.”

Lynn had been preparing for her professional title examination, so Lysander took the initiative to deliver her the materials she had previously used Lynn was extremely grateful. “Dr. Thorne, I’m so sorry to have you r

run this errand over the weekend.”

Lysander flipped through this morning’s ward check records and circled the names of a few pregnant women who needed special attention. “Pay more attention to them.”

“All right, all right. Don’t worry. I’ve got this under control.”

“I’ll get going now.”

When Lysander stepped out of the hospital, Zachary was still waiting for her at the same spot.

both hands high and

quickly walked out with a smile.

someone beside her called out

moment. When she saw the person in front of her, she put on a

excited. “You look well. It seems you’ve been quite happy in the few days since you

here at the obstetrics and gynecology department. Is Mrs. Guerra pregnant again? Do you need me to make the arrangement

furrowed instantly. “You know very well the situation between Lysander and me… Are you free today? I have something to discuss with

today. Is it something important? We can talk about it

took a step forward, and reached out to

“Mr. Guerra,

just saw a leaf in your hair and wanted to help you

hair and removed the leaf

was a fragment of a


Over With

the hospital entrance and smiled. “There are a lot of

Josiah remained silent.

anything else? If not, I have to go.”

are not sold domestically, so I had someone buy identical ones from abroad. When will

title approved. I


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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