Chapter 205 The Friends Of Zachary

Upon departing. Lysander was filled with a sense of regret. She realized that she could have handed over the materials directly to Lynn on her Monday workday, rather than rushing to deliver them today only to have her mood ruined.

Zachary, on the other hand, did not take it to heart. “It’s just a coincidence. What can we do about it?”

Lysander felt a slight pang of guilt in her heart. “Who knows what got into him.”

“No worries.” Zachary chuckled lightly. “I’ve seen his current girlfriend once. To be honest, she’s not as pretty as you, nor does she have a good personality. Comparison is a thief of joy, so it’s quite understandable if he regrets it.”

Lysander said indifferently. “Sorry for dragging you into this.”

“Lysander, actually, I’m pretty happy.”


“You’re so good that even Josiah likes you. But you chose me. Does this mean that in some way I am better than him?”

“He doesn’t like me. He’s just not willing to give up.”

Zachary’s hand, resting on the steering wheel, twitched slightly.

the soft and smooth

arriving at Harborbrook University, Zachary parked the car in the parking lot and then the two of them walked toward the

three or four people looking

also waved back in response. As his hand fell, he carefully brushed it against the


tender. He delicately held her hand as if cradling it and refrained from gripping too firmly, cautious not to

getting closer, they immediately heard a

friends‘ playful jibes. He scolded, “Stop messing around. Didn’t we say

playing ball. Aren’t you going to introduce us to this beautiful lady here?”

his head to look at Lysander,


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The Friends Of

Zachary immediately rushed over to

boy wasn’t annoyed. He laughed and continued,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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