Chapter 214 Not A Good Memory

Zachary asked, “Who is it?”

Lysander simply ignored the message. “It’s a promotional niessage.”

“Is it a real estate agent? You can reply to them. They are usually well–informed.”

“No. they’re selling flowers.”

“A flower shop?”


Soon after, Zachary’s phone rang.

He put on his Bluetooth headset and answered the call..

Yet, he remained silent, simply listening to the individual on the other side of the call. His countenance. progressively soured.

Finally, he responded in a low voice, “I understand. I’ll hurry back as soon as possible.”

Lysander asked, “Company matters?”

“Yeah, I’ve been considering a job change recently. I have an interview scheduled for this afternoon, but I’m running a bit late.”


everything from weddings to having children? Although state–owned enterprises have

felt somewhat

planned everything.

a house and getting married, to having children, he’s already preparing for our

But L..

“I’m sorry.”

haven’t spent quality time together, yet we’re fast–forwarding to marriage and having children.


me off at the intersection and go about your business. Don’t be late for the interview. You need leave a good impression.”


722 + 0

Not A Good Memory

take a taxi back

some regret, he said,


in the hospital in the afternoon.

pregnant women were in good shape these days. The bespectacled Lynn was

listlessly, “Dr. Thorne, you’re finally back.”

“What’s wrong?”

thesis has been sent

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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