Chapter 219 He Do Not Know

After hanging up the phone, Lysander felt stuffy in her chest.

Adrian said, “Let Daphne ask. She has many friends, so we’ll know soon enough.” “Oks

“Come on, let’s play ball while we wait.”

As they chatted, Lysander’s phone rang.

Adrian asked, “Is it Daphine? She’s quick.”

“No, it’s my boyfriend.”

Adrian’s expression stiffened. “Oh, is he here to pick you up? Go on, answer it.”

Lysander smiled apologetically, walked to a corner, and answered the call. “Zachary?”

“Lysander, I went to the hospital, but your colleague said you went to a party?”

“Have you finished your work?”

“Yep, just finished. I originally wanted to pick you up so that we could go home together. Is your side ending soon?”

“Should be.”

I’ll come pick you


him the address.

said, “The hospital isn’t far from here. Have him come inside and play for a bit later.”

a geek who lives in his bubble, so he

can get to know each other. Many people in the hospital know that I’ve been pursuing you. If he hears it from the others, he might feel uncomfortable. It’s better to tell him directly, so we can all get

thought about it and felt that it

message to Zachary, telling him to come inside when

ten minutes later, Mirage’s door

from the door, so he didn’t look their way at first glance, instead,

He Do

two men met, they fist–bumped each

eyebrow, “Your boyfriend seems close to Harry.”

wasn’t aware of that.

all graduated from the same high school, so it

hint of

rang again.

inside. Where

to your left.”

seeing her standing by the pool table. He smiled and waved. “I see you. I’m coming right

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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